Here are the top 20+13 Movies We Remember Watching and WE RECOMMEND seeing them mostly on our PC attached to our big home screen as couple and family in our home screen and theater (viewer discretion is advice, check link on IMDB above for ratings):
- Gravity
- Ender's Game
- The Wolverine
- Oblivion
- World War Z
- Iron Man 3
- Now You See Me
- The Great Gatsby
- Olympus Has Fallen
- Fast and Furious 6
- Star Trek Into Darkness
- White House Down
- Paranoia
- The Lone Ranger
- Jack the Giant Slayer
- We're The Miller
- The Internship
- Admission
- This is the End
- Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
- The Big Wedding
- Safe Haven
- Side Effects
- Odd Thomas
- 42
- Only God Forgives
- Hangover Part III
- Kings of Summer
- Disconnect
- The Frozen Ground
- Robot and Frank
- The Heat
- 2 Guns
Here is our FAVORITE Cartoon Movies:
- The Smurfs
- Wreck it Ralph
- Monster University
- Turbo
- Epic
- The Croods
- Despicable Me
- The Bible
- Walking Dead 4
- Homeland 2
- Veep 2
- After Earth
- The Master