What they say about Mvoss Creation CareerWise Personal Branding and CareerWise Facebook Page
- Veronica Trott (Navy Spouse): I like the information you post about advancement exams and study materials. Information about ERB and PTS has also been helpful. I think any more information that you can post about CLEP and how to get started is helpful. Dates/deadlines are always good to know. I pretty much see all of your posts through my news feed. If it pertains to anything my husband should know I read through it. Often I am telling him information well before he's heard it from his command. Family resources are great to know as well. Thank you for all you do. Your work is appreciated. :)
- James Brookman: Daily and I appreciate the fact that you are able to post updates for people that are sometimes too busy to keep up with the info. Thank you
- Eliza Corpuz: As a veteran, I screen your posts and share transition- and veteran-related announcements with a fledgling Student Veteran group here at CSU Northridge. If you ever consider creating a web site to disseminate this info, I would definitely be a regular visitor to your "veterans" section.
- Justin Landers : Agreed with all the above statements I find out the latest info on here than anywhere else
- Lyndzey Stovall: I read every post to see if the information that's put out pertains to my situations
- Keith E. Richter (Detailer): As a detailer, I like to use my 'insider' knowledge to help out Sailors who may not fully understand certain processes involved in order negotiations, order writing and release, and in how to find information in the MILPERSMAN. I try to visit at least several times per week and post as often as I see a need. Many times 'Navy Career Wise' has already answered so I do not have to say anything!
- Denise Gutierrez (CAREER COUNSELOR): Your site is great! I am constantly viewing and amazed at how quick you get information to us. I always find the answers I need and like Richter said if I just search you have previously addressed it. As a NC I work from home and with career wise you are keeping me up to date. Keep up the awesome job! I visit the page everyday and really like the PTS and NWAE info. I also like the special editions you did for NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR Master Chief's retirement. Wouldn't change a thing!
- Greg Roberts (SEL / YNCS / CAREER COUNSELOR): I am stationed in Japan and with the time zone difference, and inconsideration of our time zone by Millington, I am able to gain quick, executive brief information before I roll into work. All from my hand held daily visits except my Monday your Sunday. Adv results, sailor impacting NAVADMINs, career knowledge & advice. Thanks for all that you do...from an SEL/CAREER COUNSELOR/YNCS (May 16)
- Laura Lloyd Farlett (LPO): I like this FB page because there is lots of good information for all types of Sailors. I visit 3 or more times a week and I share useful information, mostly pertaining to my Sailors, on my command FB page. I like how easy it is to share the information you put out and it's not some "auto-delete" email from work. Thanks for all that you do! (May 16)
- Sarah Hill: Visit at least two times a week if not more...easy way to get good info! (May 16)
- Judith Ann Emge-Brennan (CAREER COUNSELOR): I love love love the fact that you put info up on everything career related, not just what's popular at the time. I try to visit daily so I can get more info to my Sailors. -very grateful CAREER COUNSELOR (May 16)
- Nagga Haizlip (CAREER COUNSELOR / LPO): I read your page just about every day. The information you provide is very helpful. Especially because my NC is hardly ever around, as previous CAREER COUNSELOR the more Information you provide helps me pass on the information and gain more knowledge. (May 16)
- Ovie R Isiorho: You guys are doing a great job! I get 100 times more information here in a day than I will ever get within my chain of command. A good resource for all navy and marine service members. Salute!
- Randy Brewer (LCPO): CAREER WISE Rules!
- Mike Johnson (DCAREER COUNSELOR): On behalf of what are undoubtedly many, I offer my thanks for this excellent and helpful resource! :-)
- Lisa Greathouse (CAREER COUNSELOR): Thanks Navy Career Wise! I use your posts in my POW notes!
- Antonio Vicens (Sailor/LPO): Big fan of this site! BZ, keep it up!
- Evelyn V Bowens (CAREER COUNSELOR): You all have been really helpful: Especially assisting ERB Sailors with constant updates and job information as they transition through the ERB process. A tremendous amount of information on all aspects such as IA, advancements, spouse and VA information etc. Whoever replaces you have big shoes to fit in order to keep this going as extraordinary as it is now. One of my main sources for updates. Thank you CAREER WISE Plank Owners and all the best to the new helmsmen.
- Shelley QueenBee Hunt: Good looking out. A lot is Sailors and families can really appreciate this.
- Cleo Walker: I am a Navy Mom of Three Sons. I like your page because you try to educate your readers, your reach out to the ones who are in need of support. Navy Career Wise is a smart choice! It speaks for itself as being a wise choice.
- Eric Shawn Glandon (Sailor): You guys are really helpful. I know my CAREER COUNSELORs were swamped with questions about ERB and PTS on top of their already heavy workloads; it is very convenient to be able to post to you guys and get answers.
- Kathy Donaldson Weiss: I constantly check your site for POW information.
- Michael McGuire (Sailor): 1. Information is power; educate your Sailors, Fantastic info for the Fleet & Great Career tool for Sailors.
- Beau N Jennifer Beasley (Spouse & Sailor): Your website has been very helpful through this horrible transition and I thank you for that....Your website has been very helpful through this horrible transition and I thank you for that.
- Brandi Jasso (CAREER COUNSELOR): As a CAREER COUNSELOR, this page is awesome. A great place to tell my Sailors to check out. They know it when I know it often times now. Allows them to see for themselves what is out there.
- Mike Johnson (Sailor): An especially useful and welcome service! Thank you for all that you do! ;-)
- Tommy Judd (CAREER COUNSELOR): Assistant for us Navy Counselors!!!
- Rick Hood (LPO): I'm fairly new to the page, but love it. Keep it going, much easier to get up to date info on a mobile device than at work. As an LPO, it has already helped me help my Sailors.
- Samantha DeJesus (Navy Spouse): You guys should make a group page, so if people have a question, they can utilize the search box tool. Other than that, excellent resource!
- Brock Taylor (LPO): I am still impressed with this page because it offers up-to-the-minute career news and advise, something Sailors didn't have aCareer Counseloress to just a couple of years ago. Right now, the Navy is undergoing the highest level of career-related changes... and the information changes almost daily. It's good to be able to wake up in the morning, or check facebook randomly and see a good hint, a recent change, or even a funny Broadside comic. You all are doing a great job. Keep it up! MC1 Taylor.
- Farrah Almazan (Sailor): I absolutely love your page...always informative and quick to respond. Thank you for all your efforts to help and keep everyone informed.
- Will Jackson (Sailor): Navy Career Wise I know you are not to blame for all of the Sailors being forced to leave but thank you for your ongoing support. It is well needed and well deserved and we appreciate everyone that is helping in this endeavor. My transition is still hard but you are making it just a little easier. Sailors helping Sailors is what this is all about. Thank You!
- David Wilson (CAREER COUNSELOR): With all the changes it seems impossible to be a subject matter expert or even proficient so it’s good to have a easy reference place to go to. Keep up the good work.
- Carrie Singleton (PSC / LCPO): Just wanted to give the team a BZ! This page is an awesome resource for ALL Sailors!! ~PSC Sing
- Red Vincent: Navy Career Wise is PTS approved & selected for retention :-)
- Alan Van Tine Amazing (PS1): I come here for all my career info.
- Kenny Closs: You guys are good. The hot topic is of course ERB. There are still thousands of E6 wondering when those results are coming out. Just keep the fleet up to date and you will be very valuable!!
- Shawn T. Lewis: I appreciate the work you all are doing. Lots of great information for our Sailors and Leaders to use and to pass on to our Sailors. These don't take the place of good old fashioned mentoring, but an additional tool in a Sailors toolbox.
- Jardea Jenkins (NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR): One stop Sailor career resource
- Daniel Gutierrez: A great tool to use...
- Krystal Cicenas (SK1, LPO): Useful, informative, and easy to navigate!
- Jon Rockey (AE2): A great resource for Sailors
- Richard T Allen (BM1): More informative than your CAREER COUNSELOR.
- Robert Davis (Sailor): Career Information in a Nutshell.
- Janette Suderman Holmes: Up to date information.
- Shelley Hunt (YN2): informative
- Greg Holzwarth (OS1/LPO): Very informative, love the site!
- Ariel Cortez-Gibson: An up to date aCareer Counselorurate USN: DOD online enclave for all Sailors!
- Willow Jnlouis: best sailors' resource on facebook
- Jorge Delgado: Real Time ACareer Counselorurate Career Information
- Misty D. Taylor (NC1): Best thing ever!!!
- Nagga Haizlip (Sailor): Use it more than NPC.
- Andrew Martindale (CAREER COUNSELOR): Navy related information done right.
- Rex Parmelee (NC1): Support From Bad Ass Counselors
- Lauren Elise Hernandez (Sailor): I like that you advise of this crucial career information. I wish my CAREER COUNSELOR would utilize this page. The information that we get is never clarified until I find the links or posts on this page.
- Joe Williams (LPO, SOY): Agreed this is some dynamite information!! Thank you CAREER WISE!!!
- Gresh Laing (LPO): Funny story, I was hanging out with some friends in housing and we got to talking about the PTS system. One of the Sailors at the gathering is beginning the PTS submission process now. A gentleman in the group told him that he only needed to submit the last 2 evaluations to PTS (an answer that I knew was incorrect since OCT 2010). I advised him to have all available evals for his CAREER COUNSELOR to enter. The other gentleman? A NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR CAREER COUNSELOR! I told him to get on CAREER WISE so that his Sailors can benefit from the great info on this feed/site!
- Andre Bushart (CAREER COUNSELOR): Thanks for this information. Very useful!
- Joe Williams: Chief, thanks a million! This is exactly what I was looking for, HOOYAH!!!
- Toni Debem (CAREER COUNSELOR): You are all doing a great job putting the information out to reinforce what should already be put out to our sailors. Thank you.
- Brandon Goode (CAREER COUNSELOR): You guys are doing an outstanding job! The logo is great. I like CAREER WISE because no matter the question, it gets answered or we get directed in the right direction to find the answer.
- Bryan Walker (CAREER COUNSELOR): CAREER WISE is always putting out great info for the Fleet.
- Lori Ostrander- Thomas (NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR): Awesome resource for additional info to provide guidance to our Sailors! Target audience should be all Sailors! Thanks and keep the posts coming. (NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR T)
- Marvin H Ellzey III (LPO): CAREER WISE is a great resource with getting information fast. Thank you for the effort.
- Joana Franco (AZ2): CAREER WISE is doing an outstanding job. I go to this page every day to make sure I know the up to date info being put out. As a sailor who does not have a very reliable NC I am very grateful to have found this page. Thank you very much for all your hard work towards spreading the word in every topic you get info one specially ERB. Your target audience seems to be every sailor (regardless of rank or service type i.e. Reservist, active, FTS, veterans etc) and there family. I especially like that every question is answered by more than one person. Shows others care. Keep up the hard work!
- Jorge Delgado (NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR): Excellent, reliable, and consistent. Thank you. Last thing It would be a great thing to legitimize this page if it were listed in the Navy's Official Social Media Directory: http://www.navy.mil/media/smd.asp
- Greg Roberts (LCPO): Excellent source for current Career Counselor info; especially useful as many small commands do not rate an NC. This is how I start my morning, I really don't believe enough Sailors are aware of this very useful tool.
- Sharon Sillavan Chapel (PS1/LPO): I love this page. You all do a fantastic job at putting out the most current information and changes going on in the Navy. I am an instructor at the Reserve Schoolhouse and I teach Reserve Career Information. I suggest this page to all my students and everyone I know in the Navy. Keep up the great work!
- Lauren Elise Hernandez: This page is a Godsend!!! Thank you so much for all of the information!!
- Navy Career Counselor Rosario: You guys are awesome & your page is awesome! I'm on the NC Recruiter side of the house, but I do have a passion for getting our money's worth on education benefits, so I will ALWAYS help promote the same. Thanks for all that you do! I know from experience that this FB maintenance is VERY time consuming! Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!!!
- Ryan Lester: The fact that you're sincerely soliciting advice speaks volumes right there Not enough leaders do that. I think this is the best Navy info page out there. You've got a great team.
- Jennifer Radford: I really appreciate that you answer questions from us wives who try to get info for the service member when they are unavailable or when they haven't been able to get the information. Great info about programs, etc. Everyone is so nice and quick to answer questions. This site is invaluable. You guys are Fantastic!! Thanks :)
- ICAREER COUNSELOR James Nies with SRF-JRMC in Yokosuka: I wanted to personally thank you for all the information you put out on the Navy Career Wise facebook page. As a non-NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR type filling the role of CAREER COUNSELOR your facebook page has made my life so much easier. As chief's your facebook site should be a required daily read, especially with all the changes taking place that are directly impacting Sailors and their careers. Again, thank you for taking your time to share the knowledge. Cheers.
- Samantha: I've gotten the right answers, when I've needed them. Proven to be a solid and reliable source of information. ~Navy wife.
- Kristina Perham: I like that you post information before my NC does. sorry NC1. :) I also like that you explain the Navy's polices rather than just putting the policy out.
- Nneka Nwagboso: I feel a little more comfortable and supported by the branch I signed up with as opposed to feeling that the Navy does not care for me and my family's future.
- Jay Michael Yap Cugtas (Veteran Counselor): Navy Wise provide precise based information that is open to everyone. It provides clear area of defined information that is not false info or scuttlebutt. I love the open forum and discussion.
- Ariel Cortez-Gibson: The easy aCareer Counseloress to open forum and unbiased situational assesment. Gives me a resource for my own career insight as well as knowledge I can Fwd to my Jr. Sailors.
- David Tullio: Information is available to all hands here before it's available on "navy" websites (i.e. senior chief results list) which the navadmin has not even been released on NPC yet.
- Jennifer Radford: Thank you for all of your help. I really wish that we would have had this kind of support before now. This board is such an asset to all military and their families. I can't tell you how much I have appreciated all of you guys :) your knowledge and willingness to help has meant a lot.
- Shareara Britton Brown (Navy Spouse): I am very happy to have aCareer Counseloress to all the info that you post for the Sailors and their families.
- Lauren Elise Hernandez: This has been a life saver!! We have found answers to so many unanswered questions. Can't say thank you enough!
- Shanita Williams (CAREER COUNSELOR): I’m sending out a big THANK YOU to all the administrators that help to make this page what it is. I have gotten more answers from this site then I have been able to get from my chain of command.
- Jason Davis (CAREER COUNSELOR): I am not sure how I missed this FB page before but glad I found it now and will make sure to visit often!
- Ryan Lester (MILITARY SUPERVISOR/ CAREER COUNSELOR): NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR, Just want to say thank you for all the info you & yr team are putting out. One of the best resources around. Keep up the great work.
- Gresh Laing (LPO): NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR, Thank you for the quick response. I have recently shared this page with my friends and colleagues on FB. Sadly, with PTS moving so quickly it is difficult to find leadership who fully understand all aspects of the manning initiative. I see this resource as offering 2 types of information 1) Q&A (very useful for real-world situations) 2) FYI. I highly recommend this page to all my Shipmates. Thank you.
- Gabriel Thompson (CPO / CAREER COUNSELOR): I'm an AOC at AIMD Sigonella, filling in CAREER COUNSELOR until our replacement gets here, been about 5 months. I have been telling everyone over here about this page, in fact, I was turned on to it by one of my fellow brothers over here. Great page, keep up the great work!!
- Nrd Michigan Counseling: This is a GREAT tool!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!
- Denetria Walker (CAREER COUNSELOR): Thanks so much for all your help and you might hear from me again. This site is great and i have told all the sailors here at PSD Mayport.
- Markeitha Christian: you guys are always on top of the information. Thanks - you gave me some great info to share with my command!!
- Veronica Trott: Your information is great!
- Jeff Marley professional and personal development tips (i.e. certifications, benefits, special offers for military, and generally stuff that applies to all navy or military vs. just a few).
- Megan Dennis-Baillie (Military Spouse): I love the tips and updates you give about advancement tests. My husband is making the Navy a career and has been is almost 13 years. Keep up the good work CAREER WISE!!!
- Brenda Chavez (CAREER COUNSELOR): I love the availability of information and the updates!!! Keep it up! A definite like!
- Andre Bushart (CAREER COUNSELOR): As a CAREER COUNSELOR, I like the updates. I check CAREER WISE before checking NPC.
- Paula Lynn Beckner (CAREER COUNSELOR): I like that you respond to questions in addition to the helpful information. Keep up the good job!
- Catrina Goodman (CAREER COUNSELOR): Having Navy Career Wise available back on the ship when it was only sent via email made life easier to get the word out. Especially the past few years where changes are rapid and scary for so many, having CAREER WISE on FB is awesome because I just have to share the link to share the news!
- Brandi Jasso (CAREER COUNSELOR): Navy Career Wise is always quick to spread the word about a career related matter, i.e PTS results are finally out! CAREER WISE also posts useful tips, resources, and guides related to major topics like CDBs, PTS, & HYT. The information I get here has made my first tour as a CAREER COUNSELOR (as an FC) very doable.
- Jorge Esparza (CAREER COUNSELOR): I like the Navy Career page because not only does the page touch on topics that are affecting sailors now but also puts out information that's career enhancing ie: breakdown of how PTS-FR, college and AVSAB preps so on and so forth... especially helpful since I'm deployed right now and our computers are really slow so getting on NPC or BOL is really hard to do so i check the CAREER WISE page and I'm good to go! thanks for all the help! especially helpful since i'm deployed right now and our computers are really slow so getting on NPC or BOL is really hard to do so i check the CAREER WISE page and i'm good to go! thanks for all the help!
- Sean Vannoy (CAREER COUNSELOR): Great source of info for those who do not realize that there are NC's that care. Keep up the good work and spreading the word.
- Howell Jordan (CAREER COUNSELOR): It is like the military Google, yeah that sum it up. And I always like the other sideline folks that chime in to share their experience on topics mentioned. And honestly the timing couldn't be better with so many changes happening now in the military. I hope to see some more information on the DADT, because I guarantee you that if information on PTS was such a challenge getting out to the deckplate (much better now) DADT will be even more challenging. Keep on Keeping on CAREER WISE!
- Troy Anchick (CAREER COUNSELOR): I like the variety of information that is put out. Sometimes, in our commands, new things aren't put out, so I find that this is a good source for new information. I also find the admins very helpful when I have questions.
- Scpoa Jbmdl: I'm new to the page, saw our Command NAVY CAREER COUNSELOR "like" this page. I enjoy beating her on the jump for the information :) It was wonderful that Navy Career Wise had the CPO Board Eligible results before anyone else. We have so many supporters from the upper COC on our page. It was nice to share that information first to support them for once. BZ CAREER WISE and Love ya FC1
- William Clark (CAREER COUNSELOR): Everything on the page and post has been very helpful. I think the news letter is very informative. Also the daily post about what's going on in the Navy, advancement info, career moves and PTS info. All is so very helpful!!! When I found this page I stayed on it for hours!!! Also the slide presentations page is much appreciated by me, and I'm sure by a lot of other people as well. Thanks!!!!
- Brian Preachers (CAREER COUNSELOR): First, I knew nothing about this page until I went to 9592 school. Since learning about it this page has been a wealth of knowledge for me enabling me to keep up to date on the newest information regarding the Navy and the overall pulse of new requirements as they come out.
- Randy Brewer (LPO): Thanks for the info on the slideshare.net, all kinds of good stuff.
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