The CareerWise / CommerceWise Personal Branding Portfolio
Developed by Dr. Tony Astro, a 20-year career development counselor and 10-year marketing director, the CareerWise Portfolio is a personal branding toolkit. Following a proven system, it was designed to help you evaluate your skills, identify your unique areas of opportunity, and develop a plan to put yourself out there in the digital age.
Connection. Communication. Culture (Branding).Commerce (Marketing) – these 4 Cs are crucial to your personal branding and career or business success.
In whatever field you are in like military or corporate or an artist or a CEO, the right personal branding establishes you as the leader in your chosen or current field, CommerceWise by Tony Astro will be able to guide you or your team to stand distinctly from the competition.
For over a decade, Tony Astro has worked with individuals and team facing a variety of career challenges and life transition. Whether re-entering the labor force after the military or a career interruption or getting started in a new job, Tony is proficient at training, counseling, coaching and mentoring his clients on how to build their personal brand to develop a stand out contender in their selected arena. Tony also works with professionals to give them the tools to advance in their careers in their chosen fields utilizing techniques to help clients market themselves internally and to become thought leaders in their fields.
Since 1992 Tony Astro has helped military students as Educational Services counselor from the Navy. Most of them are also athletes, and high ranking military professionals and he understand how to grow and improve their personal brand using his own CareerWise technique.
Read below to learn about the benefits of personal branding, our customized program, and how Game Changer coaching can help you or your business.
Clarify Your Brand
CommerceWise by Tony Astro ® will help you develop a clear personal brand by identifying your strengths and weaknesses, values and preferences, and evaluating what sets you apart in your market.
We will take the time to clarify your goals and the overall mission for your business. CommerceWise by Tony Astro ® will help you understand your or the company’s role in the market. Then we will learn about your current position and help you to develop the strategy for your long-term goals
Find Opportunities
Then we will discover additional prospects for your brand or business by developing a tactical strategy that will let you leverage social media, content marketing, and traditional networking.
You will learn how to connect your brand successfully using your elevator pitch, individual branding speech, and develop promotional products to build credibility between clients, associates, and prospects.
Build your digital presence
We will work with you to become recognized as Game Changer in your industry while achieving a life of significance and fulfillment.
CommerceWise by Tony Astro ® will do a thorough analysis of your personal digital footprint. If needed, then get the opinions of other people regarding you or your company because your personal brand is not how you see it, but what other people can tell each other it is.
Bring your Personal Brand to Life.
Express your brand and get vibrant on what is exceptional and different about what you have to offer the world.
Quarterly Brand Planning Outlook
Plot your annual personal branding moves quarter by quarter with goal and revenue planning calendar
The Little Book of Brand Lessons
– 30 Lessons on business, branding and social media. Get inspiration as you confront and move past the issues that typically hold new brand-builders back.
The Personal Brand Development Toolkit
70+ pages of instructional material, how to worksheets, templates and guided exercises in a custom 3-ring binder

Brand Audio Training
Get fired up with the 60-minute jumpstart audio training and learn how to build your brand around your expertise. Apply this powerful new mindset when you dive into the personal branding toolkit's 70+ pages of guided brand building exercises and create your annual plan quarter by quarter.
- What is Personal Branding?
Personal Branding is your unique or exclusive promise of worth to a potential employer or to your target audience strongly expressed.
Where did it come from?
Personal Branding came about in the mid-90's from the concept that as companies have used branding successfully to attract their target audience, successful professionals can do the same. Global thought leaders such as Tom Peters (who coined the phrase), Peter Montoya, William Arruda, David McNally and Karl Speak, have popularized the concept.
Who needs personal branding?
In today's world, everyone. From successful military personnel, business owners, athletes, professionals, and executives need a personal brand.
I don't live in Coastal Virginia, can we still work collectively?
Definitely! Counseling, mentoring and/or coaching is available via social media, telephone, email and video chat.
Pre-Client Questionnaire
60 Minute Session
Brand Strategy Plan
30 Minute Follow- Up Call
Pre-Client Questionnaire
Four (4) 60 Minute Sessions Per Month
Brand Strategy Plan
Goal Setting
Email Support
Pre-Client Questionnaire
Four(4) 60 Minute Sessions per month
Brand Strategy Plan
Unlimited Email and Text Messaging
Marketing Templates
Website Support
Content Creation
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