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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Our New Year's Solution and Wishes to Us & You our Friends and Family from A to Z

From me & my family to you:  Have a Hack-Free New Year.   Here is a New Year’s Solution we wish for us and for you:

·         Abundance of good "Feeds" from your “android” or “apple”

·         Blessings of real good "God-gets lesser of Gadgets"

·         Christ-filled kindness to "Share" in the next few days and years to come.

·         Devoted time focus on becoming a more real "Friend" to the Lord and others.

·         Fantastic “Finds” in whatever you are “searching” in your life.

·         Great “Apps” or application on what you have read and advice received.

·         Happier Greater wisdom in your "Blogs", "Twits" besides just collecting connections and referrals.

·         Intelligent “information” instead of just useless & tasteless viral videos.

·         Joy in your “networking” and find a true meaning on and offline.

·         Knowledge through “online” and face to face meetings.

·         Living a healthy lifestyle following and actually doing all those health “hacks” .

·         Mentoring someone online (or get a mentor) so you can move on by getting real “friends” who will guide you and be honest to give you a real “comment”.

·         Plan and progress using online tools and gadgets like “tablets” and making the best use of it not just for you but for others.

·         Quicker healing and progress in all your pain including quicker & faster “bandwidth” for your online duty and your life.

·         Remove all your “photoshopped” life and be real.

·         Surrender yourself to a higher authority and let go of “multitasking” your life, let others and let God do the rest.

·         Talk to someone and get “plugged in” so you know that you are not alone in what you are going through and someone else have bigger challenges that you do.

·         Use technology and be brave about stepping out of you comfort zone, “shelfware” for email is pass, it’s now social media.  Siri, Google, Social media, WiFi is now part of life, live with it.

·         Victory in all your challenges by “defragging” your everyday life through meditation and healthy lifestyle.

·         Wipe out all waste in your daily habits such as sleeping less, eating too much junk.  “Cached out” all your “cookies” so your “system” can run faster.

·         eXpand your real network by “deleting” unreal friends, “opt out” those destructive friends and really communicate with your real “friends”

·         Yield yourself away from “surfing” and “spamming” negative emotions and words.

·         Zesty energy on your spiritual, physical and mental life and have a better “interface” between you and others.

From A to Z in a more abundant 2015 and practical & advance new year to you and your family.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Our Christmas Prayer for 2014

*** Excerpt from my daily prayer journal, today ***

Lord, thank You so much for these wonderful days You have given us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our God – who takes away the sins of the world.

You have been generous with us throughout the year and nothing can repay You except our continuing devotion to Your word and seek You and worship You.  Help us to continue to be the salt and light of this world through Your inspiring words and wisdom.  We know how harsh the world is but Your presence kept us living a worthwhile life – in pain or in joy.

We surrender ourselves to You now, our gifts, our travels, our material possessions, our challenges, our daily lives, our future.  Help us to continue to live a healthy lifestyle and comfort that we can share to many others – given the chance.  Continue to use us in many mysterious ways You want.  You are in control and we are just in the backseat of Your car.  Take us to wherever You want our goals, prayers and desires could be. 
Let Your glory and celebration of Christ’s birth continue to be the center of this earth and bless those who are in need, the same way You have blessed us this year – or even more blessings than we have. All in the name of the one whom we celebrate in Jesus name.  Amen
To our friends, may the birth of Christ be celebrated in your life throughout the year and inspire you with:
* Abundance of good "Feeds"
* Blessings of real good "God-gets lesser of Gadgets"
* Christ-filled kindness to "Share" in the next few days and years to come. 
* Devoted time focus on becoming a more real "Friend" to the Lord and others.
* Extra times and things that you will really "Like"

From us to you:  Merry Christmas and a Hack-Free New Year.

Our home made videos in 2014: