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Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Wish for My Friends and Family for 2016: FAST yet PEACEFUL

Happy New Year to my network and friends.  Here are some thoughts and wishes for the years to come.

Congratulations for completing your 2015 journey, your trials, our adventures and seasons of life. Time to move on to our next goals, prayers and commitment.
My prayers to us, my friends and network connected to the virtual sense is a renewed more vibrant yet quiet, joyful yet more content and progressive 2016 - in a F.A.S.T. world, let it be P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L.

F-Focus Yet Free Spirited
I will now minimize cluttered multitasking like useless Facebook browsing or YouTube peeking.  How we can do it:  Maybe a little more organize and prioritizing work and some meditation will help us concentrate.  At the same time, I will continue to be independent - in that way become more creative and productive in the next 365 days.
A- Adaptable
As a 23 year Navy veteran I am used to moving around and adapt to surroundings around me.  As we become complacent with many comfort (as how I became accustomed to after I retired), I became less adaptable - so my prayer is to easily adapt to those around me without compromising myself. 
My wish is to be more socially connected, not in a "gadgetty" sense but more as a real people.  Let there be more real honest interaction face to face & on-line rather than posting an event or sharing a meme and snooping one another with comments. 
T- Truthful and Transparent
Stop trying to look good all the time or saving yourself from short period of minor discomfort by covering yourself with tiny lies and collage of niceties when there is something behind those beautiful facade.  It will sooner or later fade.  Being truthful and transparent makes us free and less stress.

P- Presentable

Show my best side.  This is not the opposite of being truthful but rather accentuating our best side so others can be inspired.  Show our best to others as a respect.  Watch what we wear, post, move, say - to keep us away from trouble and be immortalized in social media. 
E- Energetic
No more complicated diets plans nor short lived workout but real healthy living by watching what we eat, robust exercise daily routine and disciplined lifestyle in moderation. 
A- Active
I will attend an additional network or be proactive in social or community event such as Rotary, Toastmasters officer, Church volunteer, group activities.  It’s best to live in motion again. 
C- Caring and Charismatic
I will be more focus in caring to others as a result becomes more charismatic and be more effective in leading others to succeed and inspire others to live to the fullest. 
E- Enthusiastic

Let us be more passionate and excited on what we do everyday.  Let there be no more days that drag and put all our heart in every opportunity.  Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm. 
F- Faithful
Have faith in something big and small, in our case I believe and have faith in something bigger than me:  God - our creator.  Create a longer quiet time with my Creator and devotion with our God Almighty through longer prayers and reading of His divine words and be more connected in His divine for He is also faithful.  Let us also not deny to have faith with others - in a sense believing or having faith that we and others can be bigger and better.
U- Understanding
I wish for more empathy and understanding of others.  This sharpens my ability to make better decisions by having a more effective people skill “seeing through other people’s eye”.
I wish to be better in listening with an intent to understand and fulfill all of the resolutions mentioned.  Some people listen with an intent to just reply but I wish that all start listening with empathy, be more quiet so more can hear.

The other selfish reason I wrote this FAST PEACEFUL piece is to remind me and hold all my friends accountable that this time my actual "New Year's Resolution" will not be a cliché but a real action in my part - and hopefully in your part as well.

Happy New Year and may you continue to follow your dreams and be inspired in the next few days to take action and really do it!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Nourishing our Seasons of Life Series: On Career

After a year of transitioning from active duty to civilian, I could tell there was a season in one point of everyone’s life.  We are now in the winter season yet it is a joyful season because Christ was born.  But before winter or cold season there was fall - almost a synonym to tumble, reduction, descent or plummet or collapse.

The past few months I felt like the leaves from my branches and trunks are gone and my purpose as a tree to give shades and color are naked, cold and seems daunting & creepy. The green leaf of constant pay, the abundance of work seems to have faded. Although I or you may still be in the "Fall" season, we should keep our "Garden" of  our Career - supplemented with enough nourishment or compost or SUN: Skills, Understanding & Network.

What are your expertise?  Is your previous experience still applies in the marketplace?  When you left your previous job, did you assess yourself if you will still be happy with what you are doing, if not then did you train yourself?  Have your reach your "ceiling" that you need to smash it with a "hammer" of new skill?
I was in the field of Human Resources and also a Career counselor in the Navy for 15 years and I enjoyed what I was doing but I realize that I cannot be as marketable when I left the Navy and so I took over our family business, enhance entrepreneurial skills by attending workshops and after a few months have develop a solid understanding of the business and now have established MVOSS Creation LLC. 

I also continued my education finishing my PhD and earn few credentials as career counselor.   I am now an independent counselor working at home and hopefully this month or early next year will publish my Doctorate dissertation:  Career Counseling Using Social Media.  And I think once I have earned this, it will open more doors for me as public speaker, a consultant for social media (I just had a job offer to move to Pentagon with great pay), an advisor for career counselors, university professor, author and more.

So season your tree by enhancing your skills or a new one.

Before I transitioned or left the military there were situations that I thought I was doing great, seating on my laurels and so focus on my needs and did not understand or have an empathy with others.  
Looking back, I believe that being responsive, compassionate, and appreciative or understanding that other people matters -  did helped me in situations where I got great evaluations and people around me that I show appreciation benefited me in those successful time, getting perks like:  get to choose the assignments I want, my team supporting my ideas.  In short my career grew when I was more social & being with other people and understand that others have emotions just like me and I am not the center of the world.  So empathize people & understand others.

Having another person or mentor or someone who’s been there can save us a lot of hard work.  I'm not just talking about social networking, although that is a start.  Get the insight of others by being with a group people to TALK:  Test (your skills), Aspire (to be better), Learn (your industry), Know (key people).
Test your Skills
As I was searching for career counselor jobs a year before I left the military, I tested my ability to speak with civilian and had an interview with local university for a position and realized that I was weak in some areas required to become a civilian or school counselor.  So for a few months I just keep attending Toastmasters, Dale Carnegie and many business networking events and find out that my new skills are becoming a Marketing Manager or a Branding or Advertising. 
Get out there and aspire to be someone better than you.  Use the “U” or Understanding by listening and empathizing with others in your chosen network.   By empathizing with someone you learn that you are not alone and someone else have the same feeling as yours – even those whom you think are better or not so much like you.  That you are not inferior nor superior to others or someone else can make it happen successfully.

Chamber of Commerce, BizConnect, Hampton Roads Business network, UnWined, Knights of Columbus, Trusted Compass, Toastmasters, Dale Carnegie are just a few samples of networking group that attend regularly and have learned here - more that I have actually learned for a year in my expensive Capella University as student.  Learning through networking is the best place to be to soak up knowledge and experience.

Know Key people
Connect with other people and choose a mentor who can help you get to your goals.  If you are in the field of business, humble yourself with someone who is a seasoned entrepreneur who’s been there and done that.  You don’t have to formally ask them to become a mentor but communicate with the leaders of the industry you choose to be in.  

While finishing up my dissertation, I approached two people with PhD and seek their assistance in the career counseling field and as expected they became my mentor and helped me continue my job as independent counselor as well as finish my dissertation.  Thanks to the three PhD mentors I have now and I will now hopefully finish my next milestone in my career – sooner than later.  LinkedIn and Facebook is a good start, be bold, invite them to be in your network.

In Any Season:  There is a SUN and a need to TALK
So, in this most joyous season of all - that happens to be also scary cold with creepy trees, dark and gloomy sky, let’s continue to nourish our Career by nourishing it with SUN:  Skills, Understanding & Network.
And whether it’s your spring, autumn, summer or winter - continue the TALK:  Test (your skills), Aspire (to be better), Learn (from others), Know the Key (people).  Hopefully this will help all our “Career Seasons” be beautiful and well-nourished throughout the year.

Have a Joyful Season.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

My 365 Thank Yous

It's Thanksgiving. Time to set the table, turkey after traffic and say few things you are thankful for this year. And so the tradition goes.

We as family have at least 365 things and thoughts we are thankful for even on our stumbles, hurt, illness, sacrifice, challenges and many consider negative or not mentioning in a thanksgiving dinner when it is not resolve yet - all many considers negative cycles in our life.

Always be full of joy in the Lord, say it again - Rejoice! says Philippians 4 (read it again and again and notice God says - Always & Rejoice with an exclamation).

My Facebook or Instagram friends probably notice that I have been blessed and thankful almost everyday (well in some occasion some political and leadership opinions).  From almost mundane, silly to extravagant almost bragging for 365 days that most, I mean all (I know) are already tired of seeing in their feeds:
1.  Walking and running in cold winter night.
2.  Sam competing Rubik cubing competition.
3.  Getting good deals online like Amazon free apps.
4.  Staring at colorful Fall Foliage in the backyard to Shenandoah mountain.
5.  Driving from Seattle to Vancouver and seeing High School friends.
6.  Flying free in an almost empty C-40 Space A
7.  Taking pictures of my mom eating In and Out burger.
8.  Walking mom inside Ronald Reagan's Air Force One.
9.  Savoring and Instragramming Myla's original Miso Ramen Soup
10. Listening to my running playlist at the beach on Monday mornings with Daisy.

And 355 more to thank for that many may consider mundane or extravagant or self-indulgent even worth considering of unfriending me or blocked me on social media.

Thanksgiving for us is man-made once a year occasion to reflect Psalm 118:1-14 that says "In every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God"

Should we not give thanks everyday?  Ever since I have been thankful for small things and then celebrating it (not necessarily sharing it all the time online), I notice I became richer.  I hope everyone becomes richer today, the start of a daily THANKS giving day, everyday.

Monday, November 23, 2015

*** How To Give Blessings or Get Some This Holidays: To our Members of Armed Forces ***

We thank them for their service now let's bless them with the same blessings we all have this cold & joyful months of Thanksgiving & Christmas. Here are some programs available to military families in need and how people can be a great blessing to our military family this holiday season.

Adopt-a-Family for the Holidays

Numerous organizations offer adopt-a-family programs. Military families who can show proof of need submit their wish lists to the organization and donors adopt the families by purchasing items from their wish lists for Christmas. Because of the popularity of adopt-a-family programs, you must fill out an application months before Christmas in order to get on the list. Pay attention to deadlines and get your application in as soon as the window opens because spaces fill up fast. or

Full Circle Home

Full Circle Home gives deployed servicemen a chance to send a gift box to their wives back home. Gift boxes contain pampering items, such as lotions, bubble baths and spa socks. They also feature a handwritten note from the serviceman.!request-a-gift-box

Military Installation Support

The family centers at military installations offer assistance in many forms during the holidays including programs such as Santa’s Shop in which donations are taken for military families in need. Contact the local installation for how you can help. For assistance, reach out to the Family Readiness Group, Chaplain or MWR.

MWR (Morale Welfare and Recreation) Office Locator –
Military Installation Locator

Operation Christmas Spirit

Operation Christmas Spirit supports local military families in the form of holiday gratitude by: “Adopting” over 100 families and fulfilling their Christmas wish lists with gifts for all family members and gift cards to do their own shopping; Sponsor gifts and crafts at unit holiday parties; “Adopt” single Marines and Sailors, giving them gifts and gifts cards to celebrate whether near or far from their families.

Operation Ensuring Christmas

Operation Ensuring Christmas specifically supports the children of fallen troops. Through donations they purchase and send gift cards to the children throughout Christmas. Children/families can also apply for this program.

Operation Holiday Joy

Donate to Operation Holiday Joy. 100% of your donation goes to food and toys this holiday season and you can designate your donation to a specific program.

Operation Homefront

Operation Homefront offers many programs for military families throughout the year and Christmas is no exception. The organization partners with Dollar Tree to provide toys for
Christmas Programs for Military Families

Red Cross

The Red Cross provides many military family services including but not limited to financial assistance and deployment services.

Spirit of Sharing

The Adopt-A-Military Family program provides commissary cards, gifts, toys and much more to military families in need. How to help. How to get help.

Soldiers’ Angels

Soldiers’ Angels sponsors Operation Outreach Holiday Support. Lower enlisted families can sign up to receive a $50-$100 gift card to help pay for a holiday meal and gifts for children ages 15 and under. Families must sign up for the program by December 15 and are matched with donors from around the United States.

Toys for Tots

The U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program collects new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. The program is for all children, including military kids. Donate or request a toy.

Thank Military Families

Thank Military Families sponsors an annual adopt-a-family program. Preference is given to families of deployed troops. Families are adopted by sponsors who send gifts or gift cards directly to them. Those who are not adopted may receive gift cards from the organization’s gift card donation program.

Trees for Troops

Every family needs a Christmas tree and Tree for Troops, sponsored by the Christmas Spirit Foundation, offers free Christmas trees for military families. Trees are available at 62 bases throughout the United States.

Veterans Service Organizations

Many Veterans’ Service Organizations (American Legion, VFW, etc.) provide a wide variety of holiday support to service members, veterans, and their families. Program benefits often include meals, food , gift cards, and adopt-a-family, or adopt-a-veteran programs.


Local USO offices provide a variety of holiday assistance programs including holiday dinners, events with Santa, toy and food drives and much. Contact a local USO office.

Wreaths Across America

Donate to Wreaths Across America which coordinates wreath laying ceremonies on a specified Saturday in December at Arlington, as well as veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond. They organize a week of events including international veteran’s tributes, ceremonies at State Houses and a week-long “Veteran’s Parade” between Maine and Virginia.***

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We won't have Hanukkah or Christmas & Other Holidays & "Days" without our Veterans

Thanks to all our veterans for without them we will not have a Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Valentines, Easter and other bunch of "days" and holiday celebration.

Veterans Day is a day to celebrate the opportunity to thank an American Sailor, Marine, Soldier, Guard and Airmen because without them altogether fighting for our freedom since 11th of November, 1918 (that the Germans signed the Armistice to mark the end of the First World War) we will not be a United States or a country with freedom, Facebook and feast of holidays.

And one more thought if I may add.  As a veteran, I don't feel like I've done enough, I actually served for very selfish reason - for myself. To protect myself from many reasons (security and family). Many have actually died and sacrifice 100x more than I did. There are those who directly sacrifice themselves for the sake of someone's freedom - it's all up to us. To get up and move on without abusing this freedom. So don't feel like you did not serve or cannot serve if you don't wear a military uniform. Veterans just did it on a different level of sacrifice and obedience - individually and collectively every veterans did sacrifice in different levels as well.  I did less some did much, much more and I thank them.

Thank you for shielding us from the enemies.  

"For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer" - Romans 13:4

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

MVOSS Creation Seasonal Product Feature: Bags, Totes and Sacks

*** Promotional Bags **** Bundle up your promotions with personalized
bags. Along with any other of the possible combinations of high
quality and high denier totes, backpacks, messenger bags and sports
bags. Whether it's a boat tote, workbag, or just a cosmetic kit, we want
to help carry your company and its promotional campaign to the top.

Contact or visit for more selection. Please watch the entire video.

Mvoss Creation carries brand names like Brookstone, Cutter & Buck,
High Sierra and Thule, you'll be at the peak of your profits in no time.
So let us help you find the perfect promotional bag when you let the
cat out of the bag for your next product launch.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Just Saying: On Homosexuality and Recent Supreme Court Allowing Marriage of Same Sex

Just saying:
Growing up in the Philippines, I was surrounded with many so called "gay" or "transvestite" - I have nothing against them and I love them like anyone else. I would rather hangout with them than the self-righteous (but I love them too).

  • - If equality in marriage is one way of showing them love - I wholeheartedly support it. God wants us to obey the law, even human's law - and now this.
  • - If my fellow brothers and sisters says "to love the sinner and not the sin" - it is only half-love so it's not really love because you implied he is sinning forever and cannot change.
  • - If my fellow brothers and sisters think that I have been influenced by the worldly views, I leave that to the one who created us, them.
  • - If my fellow brothers and sisters thinks that I support immorality, who are you to judge (Did I just judge?)
  • - If my fellow brothers and sisters says you don't have to express your sentiments and just keep it down, I have not express love and openness like the One who really LOVE the loss and so called sinners.
  • - If my fellow brothers and sisters says there are 7 Verses in the Bible that condemns Homosexuality, read these first:
    • "Love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." --Romans 13:8-10
    • "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." --Colossians 3:11-13
    • "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices -- mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law -- justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. --Matthew 23:22-24
    • "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." --John 8:7
My views did not change even after I was "born again" because I know Jesus protects, blesses and loves both the weak and the strong. The white and the black. The poor and the rich. Even the worst of them and harder for me to love: the Hypocrites, the Proud, the repeat Sinners, the Self-Righteous. Even those who thinks the World is about to end (are they God, that they know it's ending).

Just saying:Growing up in the Philippines, I was surrounded with many so called "gay" or "transvestite" - I have...
Posted by Tony Astro on Friday, June 26, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Why AirBnB and Why Not and Why Hotel Instead for your next Travel

(For more of our travel & adventure tips LIKE & Visit our Travel Page: the way click the link of AirBnB at the end to get a free $25 on your next accommodation)
It's school break and it's time for us as family to bond together and travelling becomes our major activity and annual tradition either cross country or outside the country.  So I'm taking a break by writing travel tip and I chose to discuss the pros and cons of AirBnB  - the online site for people seeking accommodations instead of a typical hotel but usually a house, room or apartment -  that connects people looking to rent for a place to sleep (like hostels or hotels or resort).
As summer approaches again, travels and accommodations becomes in our must do list with our family - of course budget, value and right location is on top of our consideration.  
Why not consider booking a house (or room in most cases) instead on your next trip. We did it last year summer in Europe, you should try it too. Of course just like anything else it's not for everybody.  But here is why (and why not a hotel) we are going to do it again - in our opinion:
1. If you travel for cultural reason, this is the best way to "Live and experience" how locals lived daily (errands, lifestyle, conversation, hospitality, etc).
2. Out of the 21 days in 8 different countries, we experience zero complaint (compared to hotels we've experience, except in Brussels we thought some dishes were not washed and towels damped).
3. We deal with actual owners of the house if there are issues (not some paid or must-be-tip concierge).
4. At least 20-50% less than hotel price in the same areas.
5. In most cases, they give you sincere tour guide because they have "lived" there in the neighborhood. Sometimes they drive you around.
By the way, more importantly - it is a 2 way feedback so you can review your host and they will review you as a "guest".  So you will "know how a good American" you are.(See the pictured reviews below about us as guests from London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Sweden, Germany, Prague)
Not for you if you:
1. Are not the adventurous type.
2. Are willing to pay tips and get full service "hotel" feeling service rather than homely type.
3. Want full service.
4. Want consistency (Hilton or Hyatt ambiance)
5. Want structure and not flexible.
Few tips:
1. Make sure you filter "Super Host" which means those with almost perfect rating (but where is the fun on that?) so it will be less hassles on possible issues.
2. Use filter once in all your trips (WiFi, Animal Friendly, free breakfast, near city, etc)
3. Save on your favorites first or contact the host prior to booking.
4. Read the ratings.
5. Book early but check on some cancellation policies individual owners.
Since my last experience was in Europe last year, there may have some changes that I have not encountered and so I'd like to hear from you if you have good or bad experience about AirBnB.  This way me, my family and other readers can be prepared.

Get a free AirBnB $25.00 credit if you booked through this link:

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It's Been a Year Since Retirement from the Navy - Now What (Who CARES: Comparing, Assessing, Replacing, Exploring & Soliciting options)

It's been a year since I hanged my Navy uniform and take a year off from workplace jungle and military life.

There are things that became part of me after 23 years of military life:  deployment cruises from 3 Navy carriers, 4 major coast to coast change of home station, promotion every 3 to 5 years, steady paycheck with actual higher benefits like:  housing allowance, sea pay - to name a few.

Now it finally hit me.  I miss being part of a big team.  But thanks to social media (mainly Facebook), I still see the movements and changes going on.

But living inside "the boat" and ending up in another country with unplanned drills, structured meal hours, jet noises, the stink of steel & saltwater and snores of my shipmates after TAPs was just a few multicolored lifestyle I grew up with when I was "born" in the Navy in 1991.

But nothing to worry, I have adjusted from the real deal and this is good enough to coverup those military or Navy habits I've develop replace by these:

1.  For Daily Exercise:  Kickboxing replaced my 3X/week Physical Training (PT).  Every Mondays & Thursday we take a group aerobics exercise with some modern music.  It still needs coordination, timing and participation all in cadence for an hour - just like what it is used to be except we don't have that yellow Navy shirt & blue short.

2.  For Meetings:  It is important that as human beings we stay connected with others.  Here you can discover other people's hardship & know that you are not alone and be able to share your experience and mentor others or get a mentor yourself.  Same situation when we had weekly Maintenance meeting on deployments & Department meetings every week in the office.  I now meet my ICCI Counselors every first Tuesdays, my Toastmasters & Capella mentors on Wednesday, Thursdays for fellow business owners (Trusted Compass, Business Networking, UnWined, Chamber of Commerce, etc.)

3.  For Daily Walks, & Visits.  As counselor and supervisor on board ship or even on shore, I walk & visit departments for few reasons:  to get out of my desk and get the blood flowing, to chat with colleagues about next port visits (i.e. fellow Chiefs, aka B.S. time or "skate") and mainly to connect with your department or team besides the email & phone calls.  Like meetings, this is an informal way to get & give information that will set the phase for your next email or projects.

Now as a veteran retiree / entrepreneur, I own my time but I see to it that I walk daily this time - thanks for living by the beach.  Daisy is my motivation mainly to do her "business" and appreciate some quiet moments before heading to my daily email & business undertakings.

Talk about visit (port visit) well, I don't have to go far to enjoy sitting on the beach and have a "liberty call" because I have it 24 hours a day if I want it.

4. For Chiefs Mess / Meetup.   See Facebook page / group.  Enough said.

5.  For Mentoring & Disciplinary / Career Board.  This is one tradition I really think I could make a difference with a person.  Imparting traditions & experience to someone whether to correct a efficiency or to inspire a long term goal.  I believe (subject to many disapproval) that  social media has connected many of us who embrace the technology into a level of talking to each other in  real time.  We can do group talk, share information, agree to disagree and follow  through with those who listens and needs to relay important and helpful information just like when we do Career Development Board (reviewing of records & interviews) and Disciplinary Review Board (prior to possible Executive Officer mast or something positive).

Now, I still do it using Private Messages on Navy Career Wise Facebook page.  Mentoring prospective Career Management Fellows for ICCI as marketing / mentor advisor using Adobe Meetup & LinkedIn.  I would like to expand on this area once I've completed my dissertation on "Career Counseling using Social Media / Facebook" because this area is unproven but it works in some areas of how mentoring and career counseling works.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Have this and Not That (Part 1): You do not need Toilet Paper, Shredder and Coffee Maker to live

I am a practical person.  I like trying new things that works and pay something that is worth it and not thinking that a company has fooled me into buying things that is not worth the money I invested for from what I eat to what I use or what I watch.

Here are some unconventional items that I think you should consider trying if you what a better deal, more useful, more practical, cheaper or simply a better investment.
Inspired by Eat This Not That, a book I got from a Thrift store for $1 that me and my son enjoyed reading together and started eating healthy, I thought sharing some of my ideas too, that I learned to use to save you some $$, time and have fun.

Have a Bidet and Not a Toilet Paper.
It was not difficult for me to transition since growing up I use water to clean my buttocks.  Toilet paper is essential in every American household but a cleaner butt is even more important.  Yes, I feel more refresh and clean using a bidet than toilet paper.  Do you wipe your dishes after you use them?  Do you wipe your teeth after you eat?  Is your buttocks really cleaned out without water?  Just use that analogy (bums & plate) and you will be convinced.  Water is the best cleaner, not paper.    Besides, you can save hundreds of sheet of paper (and money) by just using water.

Soak the Confidential Paper on Sink and Not Shred Them.
One time, when I’ve had it (yes my patience) with our 3rd shredding machine (the oiling, jamming and loudness), I had an idea while I was working on making a paper-mache as solar system planet for my 10 year old son.  I used my old US Navy confidential documents soaked them on a sink and mulch them until it becomes unreadable.   

I then continued to soak the rest of the papers I do not need overnight at the sink until it is saturated.  I throw this soaked creamy papers (mostly sticking together) in the garbage unrecoverable, unreadable.  Save me many hours shredding.

Have a French Press and Not a Coffee Maker Drip.
When we went to Germany, our host served us daily morning coffee using this percolator.  The taste was amazingly coffee.  There is no need for coffee filter and that all flavors heated saturated in order to maximize the flavor.

For the regular coffee maker (drip as pictured on right of French Press) , when I tried pouring another set of water on the old coffee maker (with paper filter) I noticed that not all flavor of the granules really boiled down to the pot.  For me that is a waste and besides, the inside of where water is being cooked is usually plastic (BPA alert, a major cause of brain illness, Google for the most recent neurological study) before it comes out and water the paper filter before it leaves semi hot to the pot, I don’t necessarily taste the paper but paper collects some of the tiny flavor.
When I found the Kona French Press on Sale at Amazon for $20 (priced at $70), I ordered it right away and wow – big difference on coffee flavor, secondly it does not take up much space even if you count the water percolator or water pot.

These are just 3 of some things that you can try using, doing or buying something else that what everybody else is.  Be free, be practical.  The world has great things to offer and you do not need a fortune to buy them.

If you have something to share that I should be doing, using, buying, thinking, writing & more instead, please share them on my comment section.  (Tony Astro, CMF, Independent Counselor, MVOSS Creation LLC).

Photo Credits by Tony Astro from his Kitchen & Bathroom taken on April 5, 2015 in Virginia, The Beach.