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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Is Promotional Social Video Worth the Investment?

As I started to help startups and individuals brand themselves on promotional products including social media, I see a great opportunity in videos and why Social Media with videos are your best return on investment to bring your brand to life. Here is to answer every investors, entrepreneurs, bootstrapping business people ask: How Much is a Promotional Social and Videoxplainer (aka Explainer) video products?
From 8 Facts why Social Media Videos are your Best Return on Investment:
The number one question I hear from my network is how much (like anything this days - it is always how much) is a Promotional Social and Videoxplainer video products cost. But know that you can find a various range of prices out there anywhere from fifteen hundred dollars to fifty thousand dollars. I think most of the things we buy - the amount you pay depends on a wide variety of factors. In this case, the style or type and length of the video are the two most important.

Visit Mvoss Creation for variety of samples of Mvoss Creation Promotional Social Video Products
Pricing is also affected by the good quality of work, level of detail in customization The experience of the team (here at Mvoss Creation we have independent graphic artist and editors) and how busy or in demand it is. Many people (specially startups like us) are surprised even shocked when they first hear how much Promotional Social and Videoxplainer video products cost. We all need to understand the amount of time and effort that go into producing one.
Yes viral and authentic videos work but you need a variety to get your social media going.
It's challenging to think (I can understand) just where your money is going and so at Mvoss Creation we create basic ($200-500) to handcrafted videos. Also depends on the stage on what the project required. It needs individual time and attention on certain stages. Each animation (presentation or social or musical) can take weeks for detailed oriented. We try hard to get it just right in fact the typical project takes eight to 10 weeks to complete and involves six or more separate steps. If it seems like a lot of work, it is . It doesn't include the many hours a emails, meetings, calls, revisions, renderings, uploads and more.

Still wondering if this is all worth it. Don't forget about the return in addition to helping your potential customers better understand your company. Promotional Social and Videoxplainer video products should be treated like an investment and one with a measurable ROI.
According to Kissmetric survey who spent fifty thousand dollars to cover story through an explainer video it resulted in five million new customers and for $24 million dollars in revenue

Visit our Facebook page or for samples of various social media videos created by Mvoss Creation
How much will it cost? We can't speak for the competitors but Mvoss Creation is here to help startups (not too much on big national companies) so we only charge $120/hour (typically a basic takes 3 hours and price is subject to increase). Compared that to national video production who charges $10,000 to 15,000 per minute. Yes per minute. That is a lot of investment and huge penny and dropping that kind of cash and a video is not for everybody if you're a bootstrapping start-up. So we at Mvoss Creation is here to help you do this.
To prove my case, would you have rather read or watch and listen to this on video:

So the next time you hear the cost a Promotional Social and Videoxplainer video products, remember all that goes into it and even more all that you can get out of it.
Tony Astro, MBOM, CMF is a Co-Owner of Mvoss Creation LLC providing almost two decades of career coaching and almost 10 years of marketing and branding experience serving all across the country focusing in serving diverse clientele from startups to government customers. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter Navy Career Wise, @chiefcounselor, Mvoss Creation Promotional Products, Lifewise by Tony Astro - Navy Veteran: Adventures on...

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Minding Your Cultural Gap for Leadership

One of the key to leadership is understanding other people's culture. For example people who live in a Japanese culture have different ways of understanding of communicating their ideas. Yes, even those who were born and raised in America but with strong immigrant parents tends to have high context cultural gap. Americans just confidently speak up their mind but most Japanese or most Asian culture (like myself from the Philippines) tends to "read the atmosphere" or tends not to express well but rather interpret people's body language more (this goes with French people as well). Check out your cultural literacy. Use this free 20 assessment questionnaire - it is well worth knowing yours (Harvard Business hyperlink below the end of my discussion).
A few examples when I was in Japan after only being in America for 2 years, I can relate to many of the instances when Japanese who have high context culture (like most Asians including Philippines where I grew up) tends to be quiet after a discussion, just like me I was hesitant to ask questions right away.
A little over twenty five years later (fortunately or unfortunately) I have adapted some of the American cultures who have low context culture (likes to speak up and does not read between the lines and don't allow quiet pause during conversation).  These sometimes create a disconnection in many (still after 25 years of being an American) conversations specially because I communicate in a very Filipino culture at home.
It is funny but I tend to get along with people who grew up in a city where they are surrounded with diverse group of people, like New York City or Los Angeles. Most of them were exposed to various culture and myself who grew up in Manila for over 2.5 decades and then 2.5 decades from America tend to be aware of the many cultural manifestations of those people around me.  I still have a long way to learn though, I just have to be aware "where the other person" grew up most of their life and then I can understand and communicate better.
Knowing these cultural map - will help you understand and better your people and leadership skills Credit goes to Erin Meyer - developer of Culture Gap.
  • More on Culture Gap at
  • For 20 question assessment go to Harvard Business Review website at: