u09d2 Intervention Strategies
After watching the Diversity in the Workplace video, this is how I would respond to the client, keeping in mind ethical codes for working with clients who are gay. I also described what resources I might suggest for this client and how I would address the concerns with the rest of the employees.
Case Study: Jill Knock on door:
- JILL: Mr. Peterson? Hi.
- MANAGER: Jill.
- JILL: Good morning Mr. Peterson.
- MANAGER: Thank you for coming in.
- JILL: Well it is always good to see you.
- MANAGER: Well thank you. You too. You know Jill, in the time you have been with the company, I have not had any problems with your work. Typically, you are well organized and your projects come in on time.
- JILL: Well thank you Mr. Peterson. I try really hard to be a good employee. I really care about this job. It means a lot to me.
- MANAGER: However, lately we have noticed that you seem to be a bit distracted and depressed.(Manager's sentence interrupted by Jill’s insertion of an anxious comment.)
- JILL: Well I...yes, I have been going through a rather hard time these last few weeks. And ah, yeah, so there, it has been a period of time where things have not been as they should be. I agree. As time goes by I am going to get a handle on this.
- MANAGER: Yes, well I have noticed you have missed your last couple of deadlines the last couple of weeks and that is a concern for our department.
- JILL: (sighs and looks down.) Well, it is true. I know what you are talking about - the projects. I know exactly what you mean, and you are right. I missed them, um, I put them on my schedule for this week however though Mr. Peterson and I know by the end of the week I will be up to date. Everything will be up to date by the end of the week...(manager interupts Jill).
- MANAGER: The reason that I called you in here is that I have noticed that your productivity has decreased, and I may need to look at designing and implementing a correction plan for you.
- JILL: Oh. Oh, Mr. Peterson. (sighs) Well look Mr. Peterson, I totally understand, and I want you to know that I am completely committed to this work, and I will do everything I can to meet whatever you put before me in a performance plan because I really love this job and I need this job to do this (manager interupts Jill).
- MANAGER: Well, I notice that you been unhappy and distracted and we need to address how this is affecting your work product.
- JILL: (heavy sigh). Well I have been distracted Mr. Peterson, and I guess I have been unhappy. I have also been afraid.
- MANAGER: (looks shocked)
- JILL: There is a co-worker in our department and about, oh, about ten days ago he found out that I am a lesbian. And it has really been ugly. He - at first he just talked to me about it, and humiliated me privately, but then he shared the news with other people and soon I started getting hateful comments and hateful notes from other people and it has escalated and it has gotten worse. And, it is to the point now Mr. Peterson where I really, in the morning I have a hard time even getting out of bed. I have been threatened. There was a threat. It was just a full blown threat Mr. Peterson and I, I have had such a hard time dealing with this on my own. It has affected my work and I do not know what to do. I do not know what to do Mr. Peterson.
- (Looks to manager for response. Manager does not respond.)
- MANAGER: Well, Jill, ….
Jill was obviously discriminated and harass in her workplace just by listening to her story. As the manager in this case – it will not and never be tolerated. The company maybe subject to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Though Title IX does not directly address discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender expectations linked with stereotypes of lesbians and gay men often are related. When gender stereotyping occurs in incidents of discrimination and harassment of lesbian, gay, bisexual students or students who are perceived to be lesbian, gay or bisexual, Title IX may provide legal grounds for challenging this discrimination (Title IX and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation - Women's Sports Foundation).
The manager must be careful in protecting his company versus Jill. Jill has all the right to complain and file discrimination based on her ability to continue her work efficiently. Because she “has been going through a rather hard time these last few weeks” and the manager himself also noticed that Jill was “distracted and depressed”.
The manager must conduct an immediate training by making it mandatory to stop from work and attend a Sexual Orientation training using audio-visual aids, scenario, role-play and having the workers possibly signing a document that they have been trained and will subject for further reprimand if such behavior (discriminating sexual orientation) occurs again.
Times are changing, however, and a growing number of employers are finding themselves responsible for providing a workplace that's free of harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation (Sexual Orientation, 2009).
As much as the manager may not tolerate the harassment and discrimination that Jill experienced, the manager may have morality or prejudice issue with lesbians and so manager maybe partial towards reproving the person who humiliated her privately, then he shared the news with other people and soon because of that Jill started getting hateful comments and hateful notes from other people.
Although polls suggested that the majority of Americans accepted civil rights for gays, those same persons became uneasy with the morality of homosexuality (Malvasi and Greene, 1990).
Counselor is responsible to assist Jill in giving her the resources and information on her rights as a citizen. Many states prohibit sexual orientation discrimination and so the state office can give her further legal advice.Seventeen states and the District of Columbia have laws that currently prohibit sexual orientation discrimination in private employment: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin. Some of these states also specifically prohibit discrimination based on gender identity. (In addition, six states have laws prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination in public workplaces only: Colorado, Delaware, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, and Pennsylvania.) (Sexual Orientation, 2009)
Malvasi, M. and Greene, G. (1990). Homosexuality (1990s). American Decades 1990-1999. Ed. McConnell. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Naval General Library Program. 31 May. 2009 Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace. (2009). Retrieved May 31, 2009, from http://www.nolo.com/article.cfm/objectId/E76BEBE6-E194-46C1-983629F17557E86D/111/259/283/ART/
Toni, Good evening from USS Nimitz.
Jill’s self-esteem has suffered because she “has been going through a rather hard time these last few weeks” and the manager himself also noticed that Jill was “distracted and depressed”. Your action of sending an email is definitely a start but I would go further than that by actually making a statement through stoppage of work for an hour of mandatory training. The manager’s role is to put Jill back to a stronger confidence
Women who have not conformed throughout their life to this ideal may have suffered negative consequences, such as being labeled "incompetent," "unusual," or "less than" other employees. These difficulties arise from others being uncomfortable with this "alternative" gender expression, especially because sex role expectations have traditionally been deeply rooted in the majority culture of the United States (Rheineck, 2005).
Everyone must know that this kind of behavior towards co-worker has zero tolerance and the next time it happens, maximum reprimand will take place. The manager will try to get the reaction from majority through the training because this may have a negative impact towards the morale of the company because many may still be prejudice towards Jill.
It is vital to address such issues as (a) low self-esteem, (b) fear of identity disclosure, (c) career advancement opportunities, (d) feelings of isolation, and (e) various types of harassment. The knowledge gained from this study can provide an impetus for change in how counselors work with diverse clients. The awareness that sexual orientation may have greatly affected the career development, career self-efficacy, and life satisfaction of clients may enable mental health professionals to more fully embrace the process of working with lesbian clients (Rheineck, 2005).
Rheineck, Jane E. (Fall 2005). Career decision self-efficacy of lesbians throughout the life span."Adultspan Journal 4.2 79(13). Academic OneFile. Gale. US Navy General Lib - Bremerton. Retrieved on 2 June 2009 at .
Cheryl, Good evening from USS Nimitz.
Yes, there should never be a situation where an employee is ostracized in the workplace. It is all a matter of training our workplace and giving them the right information: Prejudice is not right and we must not impose our belief towards others. Teamwork is the essence of a successful workplace and when they are not familiar or have negative information with other lifestyle such as gay and lesbian it must not be tolerated.
Pope, M. (1992). Bias in the interpretation of psychological tests. In S. Dworkin & F. Gutierrez (Eds.), Counseling gay men & lesbians: Journey to the end of the rainbow, (pp. 277-292). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Pope, M. (1995c). The "salad bowl" is big enough for us all: An argument for the inclusion of lesbians and gays in any definition of multiculturalism. Journal of Counseling & Development, 73, 301-304.
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