Most of these APPS were offered free at one time (watch out for those, specially on Kindle & Android). I hope by sharing these you save TIME and anguish in sorting the best out of the many garbage Paid or Free apps out there.
I use IOS (for my wife's iPhone 4S), Android, Kindle and Windows 8 and here are some of What Android / IOS Phone, PC and Tablet Applications I Used and My 2013 CHOICE on Best Phone and Computer APPS:
1. MUSIC - Spotify, Pandora, Rdio, Songsa, TuneIn Radio, VEVO, SoundCloud, SoundHound, IHeart Radio:
SPOTIFY for my PC, IHeart for my Android, SONGSA for my Kindle & Pandora for my TV Living room PC. Rdio was cool until they start charging me after 1 month free trial (thumbs down).
2. SOCIAL - Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumbler, Evernote, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Meetup, Vine:
3. GAMES - Ruzzle, HeadsUp Charade, Wheel of Fortune, Angry Birds (all), Family Feud, Bitstrips, Candy Crush, Jewels Star, The Impossible Game:
FAMILY FEUD - never get tired of this game with Sam.
4. FINANCIAL - Credit Sesame, USAA, Capital One, Credit Karma, Mint.
CREDIT SESAME. I still haven’t setup my MINT account (again) but it looks promising.
5. COMMUNICATION - Viber, Skype, Gmail, Facebook messenger, Evernote, Current Caller ID, Viber.
EVERNOTE & SKYPE for efficiency and flow. But Current Caller tells me all about who is calling me.
6. TRAVEL - Travel Advisor, Yelp, Hotel Tonight,, AirNB, Kayak:
TRAVEL ADVISOR for Guides & KAYAK for Flights & Hotels. Use all of them depending on the occasion.
7. NEWS & MAGAZINES- Flipboard, Newshog, News 360, Currents, New York Times, Washington Post, Zite, Pulse, USA Today, Feedly, Beyond PodCast
FLIPBOARD and PULSE for Magazine and NEWS360. We don’t need to get a paid subscription to many magazines or newspaper, this is the new “reader’s digest” and it’s Free.
8. READING - OverDrive Media, Kindle Reader, Readability, Zite, ESV Bible, Pulse, WebMD,
KINDLE App for my Android Phone & Tablet. OverDrive to download free bestseller Paid books.
9. FILE ORGANIZER & DOWNLOAD - ES File Explorer, Box, FrostWire, BTorrent, Piratebay,
ES FILE Explorer: As I download free movies, latest music album and books via File sharing site Piratebay using Torrent, i can easily transfer all these files to our tablet and phones.
10. DEALS & Shopping - Dealnews, Groupon,Craigslist, Amazon Prime, Black Friday Apps, Zillow, The Find Catalogue:
GROUPON, DEALNEWS and AMAZON. Why go to different website to get the best deals, let DEALNEWS sort it out for you but most of the time, the AMAZON ends up matching alot of the prices as long as you are Prime member, don’t have to worry about the Shipping cost. GROUPON gives me over 50% off on quality items - when I need in the future like dining and photobooks.
11. SPIRITUALITY - Holy Bible, Relax Melodies, Daily Bread,
HOLY BIBLE APP. Duh? How else can we move on without the daily feeds not just on The Bible but hundreds of devotionals prepared by many of my favorite spiritual advisors around the world from Rick Warren to Dave Ramsey.
12. CAREER & JOB HUNT - CareerBuilder, Indeed, Glass Door, Facebook Page,
GLASSDOOR. Well documented of all major and minor companies before I submit my resume with inside scoop on employment.
13. VIDEOS & FILMS - IMDB, Amazon Prime, TED, CNN, YouTube, Flixster, Google ChromeCast:
IMDB for Movie Advice. TED for informative & educational videos. CHROMECAST for TV Surfing (device must be purchased). Before you watch and invest 2 to 3 hours on a movie, check IMDB and catalogue what you have watched so you can share them. Linked to Amazon Prime makes it even more fun to watch free TV Series and movies.
14. PRODUCTIVITY & SEARCH - Swiftkey, Everything Home, Google Voice Search, Google Calendar, Kindle’s Inbox, Gesture Search for Android, Lookout, Norton, Chromecast,, Office Suite, App Cleaner, Android Speed, Kindle Apps, Clean Master:
GOOGLE for almost everything. CLEAN MASTER for maintenance. SWIFTKEY for my keyboard. EVERYTHING HOME for my Display interface. Swiftkey, is one of the few reasons I switch to Android from iPhone 4S.
15. PHOTOS & Camera - Picassa, Shutterfly, FB, PicsArt Photo Studio, Instagram, Picsplay:
SHUTTERFLY for Photo DBase, Instagram for Camera, PicsArt for retouch, Picsplay for Kindle.
This list may get updated daily as I notice and apps changes. Hope you can share what is your favorite APPS. I hope this helps you sort throughout the garbage apps out there.
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