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Monday, April 16, 2018

About Tony Astro, PhD and CareerWise

*Tony Astro Bio

Tony Astro, PhD -  owner and co-founder of Mvoss Creation LLC, a career and business consulting company.  Tony is a 23-year Navy veteran with over 20-year experience in career counseling and educational services and 10 years of Marketing experience in private sector.  A graduate of University of Santo Tomas in Business and Economics and Master of Science in Organizational Marketing and Management from University of LaVerne.  Earned PhD in Counseling and Human Services from Capella University with his research including:  Career Counseling Using Facebook.  He is a Career Management Fellow (CMF) certified as well as Career Counselor, Dale Carnegie Graduate Coach Certified and Department of Labor Certified Career Counselor with over 20 years of career development competence / experience.
He speaks on various topics and write articles and blogs about Career, Culture and Commerce published in LinkedIn and  He grew up in the Philippines, lived in Japan, Puerto Rico, Guam, Connecticut and California.  He travelled extensively in Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia and Africa.

Presentation Titles:
1. Cross Cultural and Career Conquest: How to Win in your Personal Branding (Lecture Series)
2. Culture and Brand is a PAID HEART: How to Succeed in Career Transitioning (Veteran or Civilian focus)
3. Career Counseling Using Social Media and Facebook
4. Top 10 Habits and Tools (Career and Productivity)
5. How to Succeed in Entrepreneurship:  Hard Lessons Learned.
6. Mentorship Matters:  How to Leave Your Legacy as Mentors
7. Success in Personal Branding in the 21st Century

Fee: $1,500 - $3,000

Format: Lectures, group, role play, individual presentation, webinar, keynote

Length of Session:  45 minutes to 4-hour sessions.

Availability: Please contact.  Worldwide / International.    Quick availability in Virginia Beach and DC area.

Follow-up: Available individual consultation or join the social media group page (LinkedIn and Facebook) @TonyAstro

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