Amazon founder and billionaire Jeff Bezos says, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room”. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a career focused professional, developing a solid personal brand is vital for making value in your area and attaining accomplishment. Your own brand is your reputation, it’s in what way others see you, it’s how you promote yourself and bring your brand to life in your own unique way with a potential worth for others.
If you look at some of the most successful or popular people in the media today – from Ariana Grande and BeyoncĂ© to Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Barrack Obama or Donald Trump , they’ve all established firm personal brands that are both commanding, popular and pleasant (or not so pleasant).
1. Connect with top expert in your field
Having your name associated with successful peers is a guaranteed way to raise your profile and give your personal brand a huge boost. Make a list of the biggest influencers in your industry and build strong relationships with them over time.
2. Let your personality shine
People are drawn towards others who are interesting and fun to be around so avoid being dull in your professional life. Whether you’re speaking to a client on the phone or sending an email to a supplier, try to breathe some life into your interactions so that people remember you with a smile. Don’t be afraid to be different – it’s better to be a little different than to be the boring person that nobody remembers.
3. Get recommended
Few things strengthen your personal brand more than public praise from other people, especially if those praising you are well known. If you’re a business owner, you should be asking your most reputable clients to publicly recommend you on social media as well as your own site. LinkedIn is a great place to get a written recommendation.
*** On Bringing your Brand to Life ****
4. Create valuable content
To launch yourself as a believed front-runner in your trade, it’s vital that you validate your expertise through providing beneficial enlightening content on the internet of social media (LinkedIn and Facebook primarily). Whether you create detailed how-to-videos or write data driven industry reports, make sure you create something that will help your clients and boost your reputation at the same time.
Once you provide value to somebody upfront without asking for anything in return, you build trust and make it easier for them to begin a working relationship with you.
5. Take on public speaking engagements
Public speaking is a recognized means for improving your status and putting yourself as an expert on a theme. Join a local Toastmasters because public speaking is a hard skill to master so jump-in with small groups of colleagues or clients before pitching yourself to speak at meetings and events.
Only talk about the subjects you are most knowledgeable and passionate about to ensure you can speak confidently and deliver engaging sessions.
If you’re contemplating to attain victory or success with strong personal brand – continue to prove yourself as a skillful authority and build trust in your field.
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