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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Our New Year's Solution and Wishes to Us & You our Friends and Family from A to Z

From me & my family to you:  Have a Hack-Free New Year.   Here is a New Year’s Solution we wish for us and for you:

·         Abundance of good "Feeds" from your “android” or “apple”

·         Blessings of real good "God-gets lesser of Gadgets"

·         Christ-filled kindness to "Share" in the next few days and years to come.

·         Devoted time focus on becoming a more real "Friend" to the Lord and others.

·         Fantastic “Finds” in whatever you are “searching” in your life.

·         Great “Apps” or application on what you have read and advice received.

·         Happier Greater wisdom in your "Blogs", "Twits" besides just collecting connections and referrals.

·         Intelligent “information” instead of just useless & tasteless viral videos.

·         Joy in your “networking” and find a true meaning on and offline.

·         Knowledge through “online” and face to face meetings.

·         Living a healthy lifestyle following and actually doing all those health “hacks” .

·         Mentoring someone online (or get a mentor) so you can move on by getting real “friends” who will guide you and be honest to give you a real “comment”.

·         Plan and progress using online tools and gadgets like “tablets” and making the best use of it not just for you but for others.

·         Quicker healing and progress in all your pain including quicker & faster “bandwidth” for your online duty and your life.

·         Remove all your “photoshopped” life and be real.

·         Surrender yourself to a higher authority and let go of “multitasking” your life, let others and let God do the rest.

·         Talk to someone and get “plugged in” so you know that you are not alone in what you are going through and someone else have bigger challenges that you do.

·         Use technology and be brave about stepping out of you comfort zone, “shelfware” for email is pass, it’s now social media.  Siri, Google, Social media, WiFi is now part of life, live with it.

·         Victory in all your challenges by “defragging” your everyday life through meditation and healthy lifestyle.

·         Wipe out all waste in your daily habits such as sleeping less, eating too much junk.  “Cached out” all your “cookies” so your “system” can run faster.

·         eXpand your real network by “deleting” unreal friends, “opt out” those destructive friends and really communicate with your real “friends”

·         Yield yourself away from “surfing” and “spamming” negative emotions and words.

·         Zesty energy on your spiritual, physical and mental life and have a better “interface” between you and others.

From A to Z in a more abundant 2015 and practical & advance new year to you and your family.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Our Christmas Prayer for 2014

*** Excerpt from my daily prayer journal, today ***

Lord, thank You so much for these wonderful days You have given us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our God – who takes away the sins of the world.

You have been generous with us throughout the year and nothing can repay You except our continuing devotion to Your word and seek You and worship You.  Help us to continue to be the salt and light of this world through Your inspiring words and wisdom.  We know how harsh the world is but Your presence kept us living a worthwhile life – in pain or in joy.

We surrender ourselves to You now, our gifts, our travels, our material possessions, our challenges, our daily lives, our future.  Help us to continue to live a healthy lifestyle and comfort that we can share to many others – given the chance.  Continue to use us in many mysterious ways You want.  You are in control and we are just in the backseat of Your car.  Take us to wherever You want our goals, prayers and desires could be. 
Let Your glory and celebration of Christ’s birth continue to be the center of this earth and bless those who are in need, the same way You have blessed us this year – or even more blessings than we have. All in the name of the one whom we celebrate in Jesus name.  Amen
To our friends, may the birth of Christ be celebrated in your life throughout the year and inspire you with:
* Abundance of good "Feeds"
* Blessings of real good "God-gets lesser of Gadgets"
* Christ-filled kindness to "Share" in the next few days and years to come. 
* Devoted time focus on becoming a more real "Friend" to the Lord and others.
* Extra times and things that you will really "Like"

From us to you:  Merry Christmas and a Hack-Free New Year.

Our home made videos in 2014:

Thursday, November 27, 2014

26 of what we are Thankful for this Year.

In November 1st, I started to thank one by one via Instagram on what me and my family are thankful for. Amidst the challenges and needs, if I tend to focus on those negative needs and challenge, it becomes a burden.  Just thinking about that one need such as:  finding a job, financing our business, helping my aging parents and other really depressing moments may become a burden to others too.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 says Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

All these blessings are not meant to brag or show how our life is so blessed, we still have needs and struggles.  But all these gratefulness are for the grace we were given from my Savior.  We know that all these blessings comes from my Provider.  James 1:17 says:  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

So don’t seek help or blessings from me or people.  Seek blessings and guidance and He will provide.  Our Lord said from Philippians 4:6, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Many of our needs are not broadcasted on social media but between us and God and sometimes to our group with the same faith.  We believe that prayers and gratitude can accomplish many things and reach all our goals.  God said in Psalm 20:4, May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans!

Here are 26 based on our 26 Day Countdown as posted daily on our social media.  Don't forget to checkout those photo collages at the end:

26: Grace Bible production team. 

25: People caring for mom keeping her healthy in California. 

24: Renewal of Vow.

23: Trip to London.  Thanks to our family host Ana, our 4 day visit to UK was the most memorable seeing some of the best sights in the world:  Buckingham Palace, London Eye, National Gallery, Tower of London, Big Ben, London Dungeon, Harrods, daily Metro rides to Oxford, Picadilly, Trafalgar, etc.

22: Veteran. Thanks for being a part of the 1% of the population who have served and retired after 23 years.

21: Our positive health and accident free year.  Learning and living a positive healthy lifestyle.

20: Toastmasters, Knights of Columbus, Trusted Compass and other weekly networking. 

19: People caring for Dad keeping him healthy in the Philippines.

18: Virginia Beach public facilities.

17: Trip to Germany.  Berlin, Hamburg, Ramstein, Kaiserlautern and living with Kristina of Berlin as our British local host for a week.  What an awesome experience of nature, city life.
16: Financial because of Savvy Wife, Faithful Provider & Frugal Lifestyle.
15: Trip to France (Paris, Versailles, Lille, Louvre and other suburbs) and getting acquainted with Nat and Joel.  Thanks to manang Mel for introducing us and staying with them for a week in Versailles.
14:  Family time after Navy Retirement (Movies, sports, house chores).
13:  Daily meet up at the Beach.  Meeting all the community, various breeds of dogs, working out and quiet moments, trip to beach park.
12:  Trip to Sweden (Malmo) and meeting our very cool Scandinavian host, Lars for 4 days.
11:  Retirement Ceremony at Ely Hall with Friends and family.  What an event (see our  YouTube for one hour ceremony, speech).
10:  Our move to Virginia Beach.  The benefit of going to one of the best school in VA and beautiful beach community neighborhood.  Near every single best restaurant, shops, museums, State park, etc.  All within 10 miles.  And the Beach?  I can swim even without wet suit I use to wear in California.
9:  Trip to Prague, Czech Republic and getting acquainted with Sondra for 4 days.
8:  Trip to Denmark Copenhagen and traveling highlights of other Scandinavian culture.
7:  Getting rid of Cable TV and hacking our Electronic lifestyle with Apps and useful gadgets.  (see www.tonyastro.comfor how I save hundreds of $$$ using appropriate Apps & Tools)
6:  Being a freelance counselor, entrepreneur, public speaker, blogger and other means to keep me busy, creative, timely and eventually more useful.
5:  DAV, Medical and retirement benefits.
4: Our Monday group and friends.  Real people who tag, comments & Like in our face.  All the dinner, get together and being open to one another.  Thanks Eric, Destiny, Sylvia, Don, Jennifer, Brad, Laurie, Brett, Amy for all your real friendship and accountability with our faith.  Lito, Joyce, Lalaine & other old time friends – thanks for being there.
3:  Our super nice neighborhood.   Dave, Dale, Dee, Fely and the Tuesday potluck and special holiday parties at the beach.  Thanks for making this place a resort life neighborhood.
2:   Trip to Amsterdam, Netherlands.  Thanks to our host Pierre and Filipino friends for making our 4 day stay in Holland and true memorable experience:  The Heineken Beer factory, Sam’s biking in the busy street of Amsterdam (the bike capital of the world), subway, museum, basketball with locals.
1:  Trip to Brussel, Belgium.  The square and food was the best.  Very European.  Visit to EU capital and the daily bus ride at night and living the local with Tone, our Vietnamese host.

Those are just my random blessings we had this year that took place from last Thanksgiving to 2014. I am pretty sure there is more of those (some seems redundant from last year), like the people who supported and gave us opportunity to move on and grow (we did not mention all that I may miss some).  There are also needs and concerns that is better discuss in private and with close friends.  Maybe I can write those when there is also holiday called Needs Day or Whining Day.  

We know, whatever we do and receive, the credit is to our Father.  Colossians 3:17, And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

So next time when I post something nice about our life, it’s not bragging, it’s giving thanks.  Remember what He said in Isaiah 12:4-5, And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. “Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth.

PS.  Special thanks to Sam & Myla.  Here is some highlight of them together this year:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Book Review of Mitch Horowitz: One SImple Idea (History of the Positive Thinking Movement)

Mitch Horowitz was able to reinforce some of the ideas brought about by the sort of books I’ve read growing up:  Positive Thinking/Psychology “feel good”, metaphysical books which he identifies all as “One Simple Idea”.  From the Bible to superficial books (which he thought was not so he brought history and perspective), Positive thinking gurus:  Dale Carnegie to Anthony Robbins, Grow rich guru: Napoleon Hill to Surgeon: Maxwell Maltz to mystic Edgar Cayce (I only mention some of those whose books I actually read).    He wants to point out if these philosophies, new thought, esoteric ideas or metaphysical books or ideas really work (let me see, am I rich yet?  Am I successful & highly evolve yet? Hmmm.)  Since my senior high, these are the only books I read because it’s easy to read than novels or textbooks or science fiction.  It made an impact on me how our thoughts actually influence our present and future but science can’t prove it (he tried on this book) as mentioned on Chapter 8. 

One Simple Idea is organized by era and styles of how these modern belief (back then) of “Nothing is impossible” from Ronald Reagan to Nike’s “Just Do It” – it was tackled with history and convincing background of each authors or founders of this new thought ideas.
Horowitz discusses how prominent writers such as Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Wayne Dyer even born again pastors: Pat Robertson and Robert Schuller of Crystal Cathedral to Psychic Krishnamurti (all I’ve read but necessarily finish all chapters)came up with such semi conclusion or thoughts on how God, mind or thoughts can influence our present and future.

As an avid reader on topics of Christianity, mysticism, business theories, how to succeed in life, Life Hacker topics, I’ve considered this book a pleasure and a balance and easy to read.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Breaking Free Series: 8+ Things that Have Replaced Your Daily Habits.

Addiction, Rude or Just another Transition.

For those who are conservative who thinks they are either addicts, brat or cultureless.  These uber phone users think they are Smart and Technologically Updated.  Who do you think you are?

Who has a his cell phone right now with with their apps on?  When was the last time you have taken a selfie?  Who does not have an Instagram account?  Where did you post your last review on Yelp?  Why do you use your phone more than your computer for email and work?  “Smart Phones” have taken over our world from just 10 years ago.  Right after I finish this speech, about 5,000 have just uploaded videos on YouTube on via Twitter. (Ref:

  1. Facebook replaced Neighborhood.
    1. According to 2nd Quarter Stockholders report of FB, 1.317 Billion people are active Facebook users or 72% of online users read their FB at least once a month. (Ref:
    2. They became our Neighbors, we meet our people through their written communication.  No handshakes just poke, no hugs just emoticons.
    3. Our conservative would say our human communication is dead but those who are transitioning are saying, we are just documenting our thoughts online, we are still communicating.

  2. Instagram took over our Dining Table as part of appetizer and condiments.
    1. Smart Phone users would defend that people just want to appreciate and share their food connoisseur ability and pick the right angle to impress their friends online.
    2. Our conservatives would say, let's give respect at the dinner table, we don't have to brag what we eat.  Hungry people would hate us.
    3.  I would say, we all just need some kind of attention at different level.
  3. Twitter is now our Newspaper.
    1. I first find out about the Ebola virus on a New York Times Twit and an earthquake in California from my friend in San Diego.
    2. Why do we still have Pilot Newspaper in Food Lion selling a subscription for $16.00 a month when you can get the news conveniently from a twit?  For coupons.  But then you can get several apps like Groupon, Zoomzilla, RetailMeNot for those without needing a scissor.

  4. YouTube is now our Television.
    1. My Hulu or Amazon Prime does not show the latest TV series through my antenna if I missed and could not vote for my Americas Got Talent favorite magician.  
    2. So I just search YouTube to catch what I missed and you get more funny clips related to those shows.
    3. I can watch them from my phone sitting on my bed without having to find a remote.
    4. I can even make my own magic trick, upload them online and my family can watch my songs together with those who can really sing - simultaneously.
    5. Our conservative would say there is too many junks on YouTube and those who uses them daily become an expert now that they know how to filter the shows and watch only what they want.
    6. Plus the review of others can tell you if this is suitable or not and you can express your thoughts on what you watch.  Do that on a TV?
  5. Movie Theater is now Amazon Prime or Netflix.
    1. I paid $49 for the year and got all my shipping, unlimited music and watch about 7 movies of premium movie.
    2. Convert that to going to a video store, subscribing to HBO or going to a movie theater would run me 500% much more cost.
    3. This also encourage me to stay home and eat home cook chicken wings and nachos versus $10 popcorn snack in the theater.
    4. Conservative would say, it is the feeling of moving around the theater and seeing the latest in a more comfortable sound and seat.

  6. Our Gym & Sports is now on ESPN App or Running App from your Android.
    1. We join the gym because we want to sweat and get the discipline we need to stay in shape, we use their machine.
    2. We watch our team on the screen so we can cheers for our home team and follow their statistics.
    3. Many have switch to just running around the God given playgrounds all over us, turn on the Runkeeper app and SHealth for the blood pressure then share their accomplishments to their Facebook friend.  Conservative would say they’re complicated but our App User Runner said it can inspire others to run with me and follow me as if we run together.
    4. I still don’t understand the cult behind the passion with certain major league teams, I can understand the college team though.  I played basketball growing up and watch the NBA all my life but I was never attached to any team.  I just say I’m a Chicago Bull fan because I wear that uniform in my league 15 years ago or LA Lakers because I am from California.
  7. Skype, What's App or Facetime have taken over our Phone.
    1. Why do people still have land-line?  Because they like getting telemarketers call.
    2. I subscribe to Skype, Magic Jack and my Family Cell Phone Plan and i get all the communications I need.
    3. The conservative would say landline is reliable and it’s included on my $75.00 Cable bundle plan.
    4. Well I pay my $10 for my TV phone bundle plan.
  8. Phone Apps have taken over my everyday tasks, objects and lifestyle (see other recommendations at the end of this blog)
    1. Audio Books:  Podcast Addict
    2. Bank and Bills:  Mint
    3. Black Friday Sale: Dealnews
    4. Books:  Kindle
    5. Clearance and Deals:  Groupon & Fatfinger
    6. Credit Report:  Credit Karma & Credit Sesame
    7. Direction:  Yelp & Foursquare
    8. Education: Udemy, Quizup
    9. Financial Advisor:  Mint
    10. Games:  Millions to choose from
    11. House Helper and Home Improvement:  Hundred to Choose from
    12. Investigation:  Google, Facebook
    13. Job and Jobs Search:  Glassdoor and Indeed or LinkedIn
    14. Library: Overdrive
    15. Language:  Duolingo
    16. Magazine: Zinio, Flipboard
    17. Map:  Google Map
    18. Navigation:  Waze
    19. Ordering Online:  Amazon, Ebay and other Store Apps.
    20. Pharmacy:  Walgreens
    21. Query:  Quora & Google
    22. Realtor:  Trulia
    23. Receipt: Slice
    24. Recipe:  Epocrates
    25. Secretary:  Siri
    26. Travel Agent:  Trip Advisor, Kayak & Hotel Tonight
    27. Uber:  All the apps
    28. Valet and Parking:  Valet
    29. Weather:  Weather Channel and Weather Bug
    30. Nothing yet for Xray, Yogurt and Zeal
  9. So, are you conservative or innovative?

Here are few screen shots of my phone apps that I use in a regular basis.  From time to time, I try a few other apps to replace to obsolete ones.  Be open to new ones, it gets better every day.

1.  These apps have replace my Database - You don't Need an External Hard Drive.  Transfer your files from one to the next.

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2.  For Social Media.  Use Apps for your regular FB page and use your browsers for a different account.

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3.  For movies, TV, videos:
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4. For shopping deals.  Use these apps (specially Groupon for half off) before you buy that object you thought was the best deal.  Use the review option.  I reviewed one item (Bidet) I bought on Amazon and later they offered me the 2nd unit for free for $80 just for writing a 2 sentence review.  Also if you are a student pay only half on Amazon Prime subscription (normally $100), it pays off just for free streaming movies and free shipping alone.

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5.  Travel Apps will help you get the most of your trips, transportation and lodging.  We love to travel both USA and overseas and we've used this app.  Keep looking out for new apps though.  Rover is for pet owners only.

Here is the rest of the APPS:
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