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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

23 Things I'd Like to Do in the next 23 months after 23 Years in the Navy

23 Things I'd Like to Do in the next 23 months after 23 Years in the Navy

1.       Become a game show contestant (Family Feud).

2.       Travel this summer to Europe, Philippines & Asia.

3.       Visit my mom & dad more often.

4.       Spend more "homework" time with Sam and "housework" with Myla.

5.       Watch the Sunset, Hear the Shore & Feel the Sand with family at least twice a week from our new home.

6.       Travel to at least 25 of the "1,000 Places to See Before you Die".

7.       Continue to attend the 4th & 5th year top "A" honor roll for my Sam.

8.       Lose 23 kilos.

9.       Make a positive difference to the community or at least 23 people.

10.   To teach Sociology, Counseling & Geography in a University.

11.   Get my black belt in Jujitsu.

12.   Speak more fluent Spanish & Chinese.

13.   Mentor 23 Veterans.

14.   Reach $25,000 profit in our MVOSS Creation business.

15.   Get some of my photography published or recognized.

16.   Finally use my guitar and learn to play it well.

17.   Conduct 25 community relations or outreach for Veterans, non-profit organization.

18.   Establish MVOSS Creations as establish Online & Social network advertising and consulting company.

19.   Establish a foundation through our profits and earnings or "giving back".

20.   Be more pro-active with community, church and contacts (Career Counselors) on my own time.

21.   Complete my Dissertation "Career Counseling using Social Media" through Capella.

22.   Take advantage of my Veteran benefits for quality of life improvement.

23.   Stay connected with my past and new network.

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