1. Declining a job at Philippine National Bank & join the Navy in Subic when my dad ask me if I wanted to earn $ or ₱.
2. My tour in USS Independence forward deploy in Japan and live there for 4 years and see the cultures of Asia & Australia.
3. My tour with PSD Ventura County & met the most professional civilians & military personnel.
4. Met my wife and thanks to the Seabees, supporting me in communicating with her long distance while deployed via text & phone booth in mosquito infested Puerto Rico.
5. Married while I was in NC “A” School in San Diego. Honeymoon in Gateway Inn.
6. My son was born under Tri-Care.
7. My tour in USS Lincoln in Point Mugu and one of my best tours deployed with the Sun Kings. Reenlisted in Tsunami area.
8. Able to take a break as a Naval Reserve and work with American Express (again) & join the Air Force Chaplain Reserve.
9. Living in Oxnard & Lemoore California for almost 18 years and earn great network of friendships.
10. Living in Groton Connecticut for almost 3 years and met my neighbors & friends that develop through the years. No thanks to snow shoveling.
11. My first tour as Chief in Groton and working with Nukes and Submarine personnel. Best!
12. Living in Norfolk, Virginia for two years and met most of you that is here. Now, I’ve decided to stick to Virginia Beach as my new home.
13. My tour in London and able to see France, Ireland, Amsterdam & Brussels. Thanks to the Reserve ADT opportunity.
14. My tours in Spain & Puerto Rico with the Seabees and see Madrid, Rome, Gibraltar, San Juan.
15. AMC Flight in Hawaii, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and bring my family to see the world. Never get bumped even on peak summer.
16. My tour in USS Nimitz and able to meet the best Chief community & camaraderie & enjoy the best of Asia for the last time: Thailand, Malaysia, Hongkong, Dubai, Hawaii, Bahrain.
17. Able to experience living in housing after a long time being a home owner was a blessing.
18. Benefits in PCS as we were able to transfer coast-to-coast (From CA to CT to CA to VA) 4 times and able to see 90% of the best of United States. Travel Tip: Road Trip = PCS Season.
19. Able to bring my dad onboard USS Independence even though he will not be able to travel from the Philippines to make it on my retirement ceremony - he remains very proud of me. Get well soon papa sorry you could not make it to my ceremony.
20. Be able to know that my mom Elena in Camarillo California be able to see this retirement ceremony through YouTube & she is proud of me.
21. Be able to stay healthy through Navy’s discipline and pay the bills & finally joining the best brotherhood of Chiefs Mess.
22. Able to complete my College, Masters & now 1 Dissertation away to PhD using the Navy’s Tuition Assistance & some GI Bill money.
23. Be able to know that I am not alone and there is a Shipmate out there who cared and understands every situation because they’ve been there & done that.
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