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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma by Tony Astro

For this discussion:
Describe the phenomena of vicarious traumatization and compassion fatigue by identifying the signs and symptoms of these stress-induced challenges and what can lead to their development.
Answer this question: On a macro level, what proactive mechanisms could be implemented at worksites to assist counselors with these stress-induced challenges?
Use the Dunkley and Whelan article, “Vicarious Traumatisation: Current Status and Future Directions,” and the course text to support your discussion.


One of the many qualities of a good counselor is empathy . Without knowing the issue either through personal experience or learning from previous patients, not setting up boundaries or proper counseling process on how much counselors gets involve in client’s traumatic experience such as rape, depression, alcoholism, economic, and other social disorder may result to Vicarious Traumatization (VT) or Compassion Fatigue (CT), secondary traumatic stress disorder (STSD) or a simple burnout.

The psychological, physical, emotional, and spiritual toll that burnout, CT, VT can have on individuals and their families and friends can be short lived or long lasting (Patrick, 2007). For definition, most of the studies on VT are referred through McCann and Pearlman (1990) who conceptualized the risks of working with trauma clients as vicarious traumatisation. (Spelling of traumatisation vs. traumatization is kept from original reference of transcripts) This refers to the transformation that is thought to take place within the counselor as a result of empathic engagement with the trauma client (Thomson, 2003). For McCann and Pearlman, vicarious traumatisation is a normal reaction to trauma work and so it does not pertain to any particular therapeutic approach (Dunkley and Whelan, 2006).

This counselor has limited experience in the military of such type of counseling except burnout comes closer to mind. Any events including alcoholism, post deployments, suicidal tendencies or financial difficulties can sometimes affect the emotional capacity of the counselors when clients suffers from such events. When referring to previous experience of this counselor, it brings back a memory that triggers hurtful recollections affecting objective counseling. Biased personal solutions are sometimes given to the client because that was the strongest moment of relief helpful personally to this counselor.

Vicarious traumatisation appears to be a natural by-product of relieving trauma clients’ emotional suffering and so is a crucial issue for helping professionals. Researchers need to investigate vicarious traumatisation amongst a variety of professionals who work with a range of clients who have experienced trauma. One group that requires particular research attention is telephone counselors. (Dunkley and Whelan, 2006)

Many social workers are also telephone counselors. The 9/11 events within the New York area may be composed of clients and counselors who have experience such devastating experience of deaths and grotesque killings of many people including co-workers or family of counselor and counselee.

Pearlman and Mac Ian (1995) reported that therapists who work with trauma victims and who have a personal trauma history show more negative effects from their work than those therapists without a personal trauma history. McCann and Pearlman (1990) suggested that vicarious traumatization among professionals working with victims result from the inability of the therapists to process the traumatic clinical material in which they hear. (Farrar, website)

There should be boundaries when dealing with a client whose trauma is similar to the counselors. Outsourcing help from a non-biased counselor should help facilitate some of the counseling. Not necessarily taking over the responsibility but getting second opinions just like in any medical profession must be sought after by the counselors. Part of being an effective counselor is interacting with other group or set of contacts that will help both the counselor and counselee.

Trauma work should not be done in isolation. Regardless of a social worker’s practice setting or agency, having supportive colleagues can reduce isolation and create lighter moments. Work in the trauma field may whittle away at social workers’ natural abilities to trust. It is important for workers to learn to share positive connections with others. This can occur through formal supervision or peer groups, or informally through social gatherings. Positive connections are instrumental in reminding workers of the meaningful and rewarding elements of life at home and work. Seeking and nurturing supportive relationships with peers, actively engaging in supervision, and talking to friends are other avenues of connection. (Clemans, 2004)

Clemans, S. E. , Understanding Vicarious Traumatization – Strategies for Social Workers, Journal: Social Work Today, Vol. 4 No. 2 p. 13

Dunkley, J. and Whelan, T., British Journal of Guidance & Counseling; Feb2006, Vol. 34 Issue 1, p 107-116, 10p

Farrar, A. E., Vicarious Traumatization of the Mental Health Professional, Retrieved on October 22, 2008 from

Patrick, P. , Contemporary issues in counseling, Pearson Education, 2007, p. 211


  1. Subject: Re:Discussion 3: Vicarious Traumatization (Proactive Mechanism) by Tony Astro Topic: u03d1 Proactive Mechanisms
    Author: Lavaun Kelley Date: October 23, 2008 1:05 PM

    This writer would be cautious about making the generalization that counselors who experience similar traumas should outsource those services. Studies have shown higher rates, but Patrick (2007) also discusses that these studies are not conclusive in that it depends also on personality of the individual counselor. Some counselors have higher resistance to burnout or one of the more intense forms such as Vicarious Traumatization or Compassion Fatigue. As Patrick (2007) hypothesizes from other studies, it may depend on the individuals' in that if they have had some form of closure that they may be able to seperate themselves from those they counsel (such as successful counseling, etc). As with most therapy programs, both this writer's undergrad and grad program was clear that one should not enter this field with the hopes of helping oneself, but to help those that seek services.

    However, as the writer points out, one must have good boundaries, obtain supervision, and be willing to outsource services if they (or another party) feel that their involvement is a detriment to the client. APA and ACA are very clear on this point.

    La Vaun Kelley

  2. Subject: Re:Discussion 3: Vicarious Traumatization (Proactive Mechanism) by Tony Astro Topic: u03d1 Proactive Mechanisms
    Author: Margaret Pelleriti Date: October 23, 2008 2:02 PM

    Hello Tony I enjoyed your discussion and I do agree with you in referrence to one of the many qualities of a good counselor is empathy. One of my favorite social work agencies that I worked for was at a HIV/AIDS agency. I grew I learned so much, the first quality I took into a home or a hospital or a meeting was empathy. Boundaries being set are excellent, however sometimes just the same way we can not choose and pick our clients, the boundaries may not be able to be set, until an incident develops. We may not know when someone walks thru a door if what they have to share and or are dealing with is very similar to what we may be acing in our personal life. How we handle the situation then would be boundaries. At the HIV/AIDS agency where I worked, one of my clients wanted to attempt suicide, now this client did not know that I lost my son to suicide, however I dealt with her, worked with and developed a contract with this client, thru it I drew boundaries. thank You Margaret Pelleriti

  3. Subject: Re:Discussion 3: Vicarious Traumatization (Proactive Mechanism) by Tony Astro Topic: u03d1 Proactive Mechanisms
    Author: Karen Kizer Date: October 24, 2008 6:32 PM

    I enjoyed reading your response to this weeks discussion.
    Do you think that phone counselors are as able to engage in, empathize with and meet their clients needs? I do believe there is a place for phone counselors, but, speaking for myself, I wonder if I would be able to get a clear picture, there is so much to being able to observe a persons non verbal cues.

  4. Subject: Re:Discussion 3: Vicarious Traumatization (Proactive Mechanism) by Tony Astro Topic: u03d1 Proactive Mechanisms
    Author: Barbara Lingg Date: October 26, 2008 11:54 PM

    Tony, Your job must be difficult. If you are counseling military personnel who are returning from, or going to a war zone the stress must be continous and unrelenting. plus you are dealing with soldiers who pride themselves in being strong and fighting for their country. I thank you for the work that you do. Do you have someone that you can talk to if need be? Is there a chaplain available? Barb

  5. Subject: Re:Discussion 3: Vicarious Traumatization (Proactive Mechanism) by Tony Astro Topic: u03d1 Proactive Mechanisms
    Author: Tony Astro Date: October 27, 2008 3:01 AM

    Barbara, thanks for your kind response and empathy.

    Chaplains are the best counselors I have ever met. In most cases, they never use any of the professional steps we use (Chaplains only required a Master In Divinity to be in the Navy as counselors), they tend to listen and counsel to military personnel in a positive way without necessarily using religion as their reference.

    Going back to me, it’s not just the war (deployments) that I deal most as a Navy counselor but the constant moving of personnel like I am personally dealing right now. I feel good that we finally arrived to California, my (and family) new duty station. We just got our household goods this Friday and we are finally settled in Navy Housing but the unpacking of over 14,000 lbs of goods is still nerve-racking and especially not knowing anybody else here in our new home, it was a busy-busy week. We’re still unpacking at 2 in the morning. Fortunately, I can drive a few miles to use the Wi-Fi in a Navy Hotel to catch up with my discussion.
    By the way, you probably notice, this is an excuse, pretense as a reply to discussion … LOL!


    Last edited on: October 27, 2008 3:06 AM
